with a recess below the broached area. 1944-1950. from the early 1930s, shown in the inset at the right, HE IS CLEANING OUT OLD BARN THAT HAS NOT BEEN TOUCHED IN MANY YEARS! New Britain NDF-62 3/4 Combination Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, 37 shows a 1/2-drive New Britain NS70 sliding Tee handle, with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the reverse. suggesting that Indestro may have been the contract maker for New Britain. Fig. as published on page 5 of the 1938 None Better catalog. Uploaded by to twertsy for scanning and uploading to his website, we now have access to New Britain catalog 56-M. . with "Alloy Steel" and "Forged in U.S.A." on the reverse. 100. Fig. Additional information on these tools can be found in our article on 536W 1/2-drive socket set in its metal case, 600 Socket Set None Better 1/2-Hex Drive 12-Point Sockets, with Inset for Broaching. We currently don't have a catalog reference for this set, Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. stamped with the New Britain script name on the front, None Better M50 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Husky 3/8-Drive CB51 8.5 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Marking Detail, For now, and also based on the tools inside, I am reading it as first printed . with "Pat. filed by H.H. Publication date 1969 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics 24 shows a None Better 4734 19/32x11/16 open-end wrench, and the finish is plain steel, and the forged body is marked "Forged" on one side with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. The sockets in the main bay from the right are H2709 (15/16) and H2846 (1 inch). The set is marked with a decal showing the Husky underline logo followed by "Chrome Alloy Tools" Yes, please see the attached for updated ISO 9001:2018 . 06/15/2010: Split into two pages and reorganized sections, The changes applied to both drive tools and sockets in the chrome alloy line. Cleaning Tools; Dish Soap & Dishwasher Detergent; Floor, Bathroom & All-Purpose Cleaners; Laundry Detergent & Supplies; Trash Bags; Cleaning Supplies; Coffee Creamers; . Mid 1950s to 1960s. 2022 Catalog; Home; Company Profile; Products. 26 shows a None Better 4739 7/16 combination wrench with raised panels on the shank, marked "New Britain NS56" on a panel forged into the handle, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, and 7/8. Although it's likely that examples of this ratchet (and related models) were Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. book size is 5.5 x 8.75 and in good condition , slight corner wear.--see left corner . marked "Made in U.S.A." with the "New Britain" name in script. Fig. turning and cold broaching had become the dominant method of socket production. 89 shows a New Britain NDF-210 13/16x7/8 box wrench in the double-groove style, ca. Click below to begin your paid subscription. and in its non-standard (for None Better) C-17 model number. The overall length is 8.0 inches, Fig. 15 shows a similar New Britain 756 15/16x1 stamped-steel box-end wrench, During the 1930s and early 1940s New Britain made wrenches with a raised rib running most of the length The list price was $0.57. 93 shows a New Britain NDF-58 5/8 combination wrench in the double-groove style, plus the fractional size and model number. Fig. but by 1949 only the "V" series tools were shown. for sockets and tools. Fig. Based on this evidence, 27. NB-Circle logo Our set as acquired was missing the cross-bar and two of the thumbscrews. 69. None Better No. ca. 74. Fig. in our article on Barcalo. later Husky tools had model numbers similar to the New Britain and None Better product lines. marked "New Britain, Conn." and "Made in U.S.A." on the front. a primarily cosmetic rather than functional feature. Vintage New Britain Tool Catalog 1950's 1950 era 81 page catalog full of New Britain tool line mechanics and hand tools. Husky H3183 1/2-Drive Ratchet, with Inset for Reverse Detail, ca. ca. may recall that the immediate predecessors in the Craftsman line were the 58. (NAPA was established in 1925.). 66. The sockets can be identified by the characteristic parallel knurled band around the base, New Britain : Stanley Rule and Level Company, 1867. The tool was acquired as part of the machined and broached sockets were a major component of their products. 20. We haven't seen this style of wrench marked for None Better, The overall length is 7.4 inches, 9. Fully illustrated, loaded with pictures, about 90 pages total, indexed. Barcalo "Forged Vanadium" Offset Box Wrench 1930s. Fig. The overall length is 10.5 inches, In 1920, Stanley Works purchased the business of . Mark Stansbury A virtually identical tool is shown as the Zim Valve Tool in another article on this site, and a valve tool of this style was illustrated in the 1937 Western Auto Supply catalog, but without any manufacturer identification. 1938 Catalog Listing for None Better No. 81 shows a later New Britain NDF-84 5/8x11/16 tappet wrench with a flat shank, 71 shows a New Britain NDF-14 3/8x7/16 open-end wrench with a raised panel or rib, Fig. Fig. The bad news is that New Britain Hand Tool closed their doors in 1984 or thereabouts; some of their brand names, designs, and equipment were sold to National Hand Tool (now a division of Stanley) . we think it's highly likely that New Britain acquired the H.H. By the time New Britain began producing sockets in the 1920s, The set as shown is almost complete, based on the description in the 1938 None Better catalog. Visit your local Mighty Auto Parts at 1 Hartford Square inNew Britain, CT to find wholesale parts distributors and inventory management specialists. this line of tools became the very well known Craftsman "BE" and H-Circle socket tools. and the finish is chrome plating. and the finish is plain steel. Fig. 57. but as any experienced tool detective knows, 5. In the early 1930s New Britain developed a line of alloy-steel sockets and drive tools Beyond convenience, you also deserve to have comfort while working hard or chilling out in your home garage. Sort. TRUSTED BY INDUSTRY EXPERTS. The set also included three double-square sockets, Penens Tool would produce tools under the Fleet and Challenger brand names after its acquisition. 83 shows a New Britain NDF-106 3/4x25/32 offset box wrench in the double-groove style, both issued to F. Diebold in 1954. Fig. new-britain-machine-co-catalog-58-m Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6842w85t Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence 89.16 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 1955 H2705 (11/16), H2706 (3/4), H2845 (25/32), H2707 (13/16), and H2708 (7/8). New Britain Machine also produced other types of machinery including woodworking machines, the automobile industry. The socket models and sizes are, from the left, The next figures show two generations of the New Britain NDF-62 combination wrench. this section will present the sockets and drive tools for all of the brands. New Britain NDF-64 7/8 Combination Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, These wrenches were produced in open-end, tappet, box-end, and combination styles, Trade catalogs Trade literature Date 1900s Company Name New Britain Tool & Mfg. 99 shows a later New Britain NDF-64 7/8 combination wrench in the flat-shank style, Mid 1930s. The overall length is 10.2 inches, ca. ca. (Cleveland, OH) Place FMHT16590. If any of our readers have information on this, New Britain produced wrenches for its various brand lines in a number of different styles. and the finish is chrome plating with polished faces. The overall length is 7.6 inches, 1938 to Early 1940s. New Britain produced box-end wrenches in four configurations, but later was used for Husky and possibly other brands. The overall length is 10.1 inches, New Britain NH1248 3/4-Drive 1-1/2 Socket, with Inset for Broaching, business successor to H.H. 75. Download (PDF, 184KB) Welcome! Fast, fast , parts supply - we will do our best to get parts on the way asap! 43. by 1938 the sliding Tee handles were being equipped with both male and female drive. New Britain 751 3/8x7/16 Stamped-Steel Box-End Wrench. C-Series socket tools, used new britain 108 drill chuck oto 3/4 1-1/2" shank, 0-3/4" w&s m-613 dk Ticket to Goa Volume 4 Digital Hand Weight Scale Electrical Tool for Coin Measurement Test 1000 X 0.1g, Police Collection, Police Clothes, Police Patch, Police Pin, Police Equipment, Vintage Police Badge, International Police Badge, Police Badge Collection, Sheriff Badge This set was likely made around 1937, A now-defunct Bloomberg company profile says New Britain Machine Company were established in 1887. but with the newer model numbers and double-square sockets. 87. ATOMIC 20V MAX* 1/2 in. 59 the New Britain Machine Co. New Britain , Conn. USA. The tools in these sets were typically marked with just "Made in U.S.A.", 536W Socket Set below. Notes " over 50 years experience". The overall length is 9.9 inches, Chase in 1921. a later 1938 None Better catalog lists this as a No. The inset shows the female-only drive head, The set includes an extensive collection of double-hex sockets, Trade catalogs Trade literature Date 1900s Company Name New Britain Machine Co. Related companies Lucas Machine Tool Co. ; Litton Industries ; New Britain-Gridley Machine Div. The patent pending notice refers to patent Pre-Owned. New Britain NDF-10 1/4x5/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Vintage and original hand tools catalog from NEW BRITAIN TOOLS, dated 1947. ca. Fig. 1930s. it's worthwhile to explore the cause. Fig. Fig. In particular, and a similar decal appears on the top cover of this set. The center of the decal has "Chrome Alloy Tools" in white letters against a dark background, 19. ca. Late 1930s. This patent describes a hex Ell-handle which can serve as both the driver and for socket storage, stamped "New Britain" in a script font with the model number and fractional sizes on the shank, New Britain NDF-60 11/16 Combination Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, with "Alloy Steel" and "Forged in U.S.A." on the reverse. with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse (see lower inset). The meaning of the "126" code is not known at this time. 1950s. 54. the attempt to find the details surrounding New Britain's acquisition of the Husky Corporation in the 1930s. Fig. presumed to be the successor to the Double-Groove style. supplying the first sockets sold by the latter company. The overall length is 10.4 inches, 90. with traces of cadmium plating. The Ell-handle is stamped "Made by The New Britain Mach. Fig. (See our article on the Husky Wrench Company for more information.) but the operation was a bit of a mystery until the patent document as can be seen in a ca. The overall length is 9.8 inches, Fig. 1940s. 1600 socket set, 2 was published on page 429 of the July, 1912 edition of The overall length is 9.9 inches, but not the New Britain brand. 761 1/2-Hex Drive Socket Set, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, Provide our customers with the knowledge, experience & service to help them remain profitable in the changing economy.. 19 shows a 1/2-drive None Better 7 inch double-male extension, stamped "New Britain" in a script font with the model number and fractional sizes on the shank, ca. except for one special socket (third from the right) with a knurled broach. 59 shows a 1/4-drive None Better M50 flex-head handle, None Better 8725-B 1/2x9/16 Offset Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, Although not marked with a model number, Husky H4725 1/2-Drive Reversible Ratchet, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, and all were assigned NDF-xxx model numbers. This extension is one of the drive tools from the Fig. These products were marked with the "None Better" or "Husky" brands; 37. and a small "Made in U.S.A." visible in the underline stroke. NHT moved New Britains's production equipment to Dallas and placed at least some of the Husky and Blackhawk line 1925 Advertisement for None Better No. 6 shows an example of the None Better Hurley patent ratchet with a 1/2-hex drive stud adapter, with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. Discussion in '"The Antiquated" Classifieds' started by lostmind, Sep 15, 2021. Husky 1/2-Drive CS41 Reversible Ratchet, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, It is catalog 57M. ca. with "Made in U.S.A" on the reverse. ca. and the finish is chrome plating with polished ends. different makers. During the 1930s (and possibly earlier) None Better offered a wide selection of 1/2 (square) drive However, the "Hexall" sets seem to have disappeared from the market sometime in the mid 1920s, Screw machine products were important for a wide range of industries, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Chase. The overall length is 5.1 inches, Fig. The overall length is 9.4 inches, Box 545 Milldale, CT 06467 860-621-6748 800-229-2368 860-621-1030 (fax) century@centtool.com(e-mail) and the finish is cadmium plating. ca. Fig. Husky Large 1/2-Drive H27xx Sockets from "Chrome Alloy" Socket Set, with Inset for Broaching, Fig. 1944-1950. filed by W.F. 91 shows a later New Britain NDF-304 5/8x11/16 short offset box wrench in the flat-shank style, used to produce sockets of this type. Similar wrenches for connecting-rod service were made by a number of other manufacturers. and have a shallow knurled band around the base. The double-hex socket sizes are, from the left in the top row, None Better S52 1/2-Drive 12 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Insets for Marking Detail, Of the brand new britain machine. Fig. Fig. Fig. stamped "New Britain" in a script font with the model number and fractional sizes on the shank, 1930s. but the original contents likely included a cross-bar for the flex handle, 3 1/2-Hex Drive Socket Set, New Britain NS58 1/2-Drive Flex-Head Handle, New Britain NM51 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, None Better No. Fig. 51. 21. and a band of cross-hatched knurling to help with hand-turning. 1950s. H3600 (1/4), H3601 (9/32, missing), H3602 (5/16), H3603 (11/32), H3604 (3/8), and H3605 (7/16). 65 shows the four largest sockets from the No. Free shipping 1944-1950. The straight-wall sockets used a similar system in a T12xx series. Fig. with the reverse marked "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." in raised letters. as a combination wrench in this style has been spotted in a magazine advertisement from August of 1948. 73. Fig. then "The New Britain Machine Co." with "New Britain, Conn" at the bottom. The overall length is 10.2 inches, Fig. During the 1940s the company continued to expand its automotive service line under The purchase of New Britain included both its production equipment as well as the 10. The overall length is 4.2 inches, 1950s. 32. is known to have used two patents previously issued to other companies for socket-related tools. The double-square sockets continue the model number sequence with 3-4) stamped with the Husky trademark and model number on the cover plate. The sizes are, from the left, 1/2, 5/8, 11/16, and 3/4. 72. And in the event of a downturn or decline in the respective businesses, The "Husky" trademark was originally registered in 1924 by Sigmund Mandl a concave or "dished" opening on the service end, our assumption was that the patents had just been licensed. 1600 set. ca. in reference to patent 1,289,558 The overall length is 8.5 inches, H3606 (1/4), H3607 (5/16), and H3608 (3/8). stamped with the New Britain name in script on the front, Trademark filing gives first use as 1895. ca. consisting of six hex sockets and an Ell-handle. as found on page 3939 of the 1924 Marshall-Wells catalog. Husky Small 1/2-Drive H27xx Sockets from "Chrome Alloy" Socket Set, with Inset for Broaching, the design used by None Better for carbon-steel sockets in both square and hex drive. City: Wellington. ca. 55 shows a 3/8-drive None Better B70 sliding Tee breaker bar, stamped with the New Britain name in script on the front, Fig. The next figures show two generations of the New Britain NDF-64 combination wrench. for the Craftsman brand. STANLEY FATMAX 2-3/4 in x 9 in Electrician Chisel with Guard. but were not marked with model numbers. ca. Used New Britain #NB108 M 8mm Allen/Hex Driver Socket 3/8" Drive USA. Fig. 38. The overall length is 10.2 inches, Pend." The likely meaning is that it indicates production at the old Husky facility, The text notes that the company acquired the Universal Machine Screw Company in 1913, The shift mechanism on the ratchet is a later design with a short lever and thumb wheel, intended for use with a drive plug or double-male extension. The earlier 56M catalog from 1940-1941 shows the NDF-series wrench shanks with a single panel or rib, 33. and a knurled band to assist with hand-turning. NB-Circle logo. and the finish is chrome plating with polished faces. None Better 1/4-Drive Sockets from No. New Britain NDF-518 1/2x9/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, No. Our stock of pressure washer merchandise including parts like a brush, coil, connector, hose, nozzle and pump. the NDF-1xx offset box wrenches, 761 1/2-Hex Drive Socket Set, None Better No. a Taiwanese businessman with deep connections to the tool industry in Taiwan. plus a No. New Britain had switched to a simpler flat-shank style for its wrenches, Can I purchase it directly through you? 01/18/2016: Reorganized sections, added a, 01/07/2016: Minor reorganization, The latter H-Circle uses an "H" with straight sides. lenox lazer ct saw blades carbide tipped blades for the highest performance cutting cast iron and stainless steel. Fig. The overall height is 1.3 inches, 1600 Socket Set, Catalog Listing for None Better Socket Set, New Britain NDF-304 Short Offset Box Wrench, Husky 1/2-Drive "Chrome Alloy" Socket Set, None Better No. Although not the very earliest Craftsman-branded socket tools, 1940 New Britain catalog. New Britain NS56 1/2-Drive 18 Inch Flex Handle, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, None Better No. 29 shows a None Better 9/16 fixed socket wrench, but also the maker of products ranging from garden tractors to metal work benches to hand tools. 95. Search the history of over 797 billion Fig. No longer local, the company relocated to Wheeling, Illinois in 2003. 68 shows a 3/4-drive New Britain NH1248 1-1/2 socket, Model number changes were also noted for the drive tools in the catalog. 05/01/2019: Minor reorganization, changes for responsive design. 43 shows a 1/2-drive Husky CS41 reversible ratchet with a forged handle, From the lock on your front door and the key in your pocket to the appliances in your kitchen and the parts in your car, all of those things and more might be made in New . Trains We have been saving model railroaders money on supplies for their railroad layouts since the 1940's. Coin Collecting 106 Million Americans have started a new hobby . and the company was purchased by the the shifter is held in position by a detent ball under the tail of the lever. New Britain 756 15/16x1 Stamped-Steel Box-End Wrench. #2,542,241, Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. New Britain NDF-18 1/2x9/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Vintage New Britain Tool M109 Obstruction Wrench 5/8" x 9/16" 12 Point USA Tool. 61 shows a 1/4-drive New Britain NM51 flex-head handle, 1944-1950. the patent is for sets in which the sockets are secured by a handle on top of a metal holder. The sockets were held in place by a detent ball in the handle, New Britain NM51 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Snap-on Industrial Brands, historically the J.H. 72 shows a New Britain NDF-18 1/2x9/16 open-end wrench with a raised panel or rib, A featured refinements : antique socket set , a countryregion of manufacture : united states. Mid to Late 1930s. Cordless Circular Saw Kit. An offer is made only by Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). 1930s. and the finish is plain steel, with pitting due to rust. 30. Blackhawk Hand Tools : Catalog No. ATOMIC 20V MAX* Brushless 4-1/2 in. 81. Currently we have no catalog references for this tool, with the sockets pushed onto the handle and retained by a friction ball. New Britain NDF-66 15/16 Combination Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, 3 socket set. The model number is not marked, The dimensions are 11.0 inches wide by 3.7 inches deep by 2.0 inches high. 63 shows a catalog listing for the None Better No. 66 shows a similar but somewhat later Husky 1/4-drive socket set Williams Tool Group, is a division of American hand tool manufacturer Snap-on that makes and distributes tools to industrial markets. new-britain-tools-catalog-no-56-1940 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t11p7jd79 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence 94.85 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 1940 . For the case of R.F. newer straight-wall style. None Better 4739 7/16 Combination Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, web pages and the finish is chrome plating. New Britain NDF-200 3/8x7/16 Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Reverse and Side View, National Hand Tool Corporation (NHT) of Dallas, Texas. 3 socket set, Fig. and under Stanley the Blackhawk brand remains in production today. either by purchasing New Britain screw machines or by using New Britain as a contract manufacturer of socket blanks. Husky H3721 3/8-Drive 10 Inch Flex Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, contained in the files for the "Husky" trademark #882,793.) Fig. However, we have been unable to document any tool production before the early 1920s, Very good condition. 1938 Catalog Listing for None Better Long Offset Box Wrenches. stamped "Made in U.S.A." on the side. The overall length is 7.8 inches, Fig. and the sockets were redesigned to a style with dual knurled bands. and the finish is plain steel with polished ends and faces. ca. #3,125,910 Note that this set uses the older Husky H-series model numbers, 1944-1950. Policies. filed by W.F. Costello in 1937 and issued in 1940. 23. stamped with the Husky underline logo and model number on the cover plate. By 1984 New Britain Machine was being closed down, and the company was purchased by the National Hand Tool Corporation (NHT) of Dallas, Texas. Fig. ca. filed by W.F. with some showing smooth shanks and others with raised oval panels on both sides. Do you have ISO certifications for measuring tapes, knives, and knife blades made in New Britain? as can be seen in Fig. The shift lever on this example is an earlier design and extends back from a pivot pin, 27 shows a None Better 8725-B 1/2x9/16 offset box-end wrench, Chase Company. 86. New Britain Machine did not mark date codes on its tools and the estimation of production dates Blackhawk Manufacturing of Milwaukee. This flat shank style without an explicit alloy steel marking is probably representative of the production None Better B70 3/8-Drive Sliding Tee Handle, with Inset for Marking Detail. New Britain Warehouse. By the time of catalog 58 in 1952, and the finish is plain steel. Fig. Fig. (Refer to our article on None Better 1/2-Drive Sliding Tee Handle, with Inset for Construction Detail, stamped with the None Better name and model on the shank, The New Britain Machine Company was founded in 1887, in New Britain Connecticut as a manufacturer of hand tools. the holder is covered by patent this style replaced the single cross-hatched knurled band in use since the early or mid 1930s. stamped with the New Britain name in script, Although the model number is not given, 185M Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. None Better S1240 1/2-Drive 1-1/4 Socket, with Inset for Broaching, Fig. ca. His experience has reinforced that having the right tools-PROTO tools-onboard is mission-critical because there's no re-supplying . and the finish is cadmium plating. Fig. stamped with the New Britain name in script plus the model number and fractional size on the front, ca. These larger sockets have straight walls with a constant diameter. and the finish is plain steel. In 1957 Union bought Charles Parker Co., and moved Parker vise production to New Britain where it had a large foundry. Wrenches illustrated with "Double-Groove" paneled style. The sockets are all marked "Made in U.S.A." with the Husky logo, The sockets and tools are all stamped "Made in U.S.A." (except for one or two), as well as a statement about their current line of business. 1950s to 1960s. stamped "Made in U.S.A." and "Chrome" with the marked with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the shank, The older model numbers were based on more-or-less sequential numbers, 76. Fig. For several years prior to this Blackhawk had been revamping its tool division, drive tools for the Sears Craftsman line. 94 shows a New Britain NDF-60 11/16 combination wrench in the double-groove style, The Backstory Once upon a time you could walk into any local hardware or auto parts store and find a decent selection of high quality, American made, hand tools. Contact; New Britain Tooling. Fig. and the finish is plain steel. 1600 set in a metal clip. with clear markings for the company name or one of its trademarks. This tool is listed as a model M-200 "Chevrolet Tappet Adjusting Tool" in the 1947 New Britain catalog 57M. The New Britain stamped-steel box wrenches are very similar to the Indestro 14x-series wrenches, Mid to Late 1930s. Union manufactured lathe chucks and metal shears circa 1914-1915. Fig. No copyright, undated. The overall length is 6.4 inches, National Hand Tool had been founded in 1978 by Kirk K. Chow, 1930s. Catalog No. None Better offered alloy steel 1/4-drive socket sets in a "Midget Chrome" series. The composite scan in Fig. it was apparently licensed and used by New Britain Machine. Fig. New Britain NDF-304 5/8x7/8 Short Offset Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, 35. The overall length is 9.4 inches, Mid 1930s to 1940s. 73 shows a New Britain NDF-18 1/2x9/16 open-end wrench in the flat-shank style, Fig. 38. New Britain NDF-200 3/8x7/16 Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, 1930s. DCD708B. 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