4am prayer points

#1. I am above and not beneath. Let me continue to bask under Gods love forever in Jesus name. Thank You Jesus! AND THE BEST I HAVE EVER SAYS . Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lord, I might be weak this morning. Heavenly Father, I ask for your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Psalm 63:1, David said, Early will I seek thee. Abraham was an early riser, Joshua was an early riser, Moses was an early riser, Jesus prayed early in the morning and David also prayed early in the morning. God recognizes that fascinating entities develop during mans slumber. 4am Prayer Points [ Grace - Intercession[prayer & fasting] | Facebook & Amen! Every battle in the heavenlies, be won in favour of the angels conveying my blessings today, in Jesus name. Amen. Let the thunder and lightning of God demolish any authority that seeks to oppose me as a result of my prayers, in the name of Jesus. Light from heavens, shine towards me and make me whole, in the name of Jesus. Pray this prayer points at midnight and expect to see the powers of darkness in your life totally destroyed in Jesus name. I now receive peace, righteousness, justice, security and victory over ungodly opposition, as part of my inheritance of my Father and declare myself a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Advocate and Righteousness. I ask for divine protection from the blood of Jesus. 20. I declare that I am unkillable in Jesus name. Lord, when my heart is depressed, confused, or overwhelmed with issues help me. I live,move and have my being in Christ Jesus,therefore nothing can stop me in this life and in the life to come in Jesus name. I rebuke, bind and cast out of my life all evil terrestrial and celestial spirits against me in Jesus Name. 58. Prosperity will start to be my portion from this day forward. in Jesus Name. 49. 4. ( Psalm 136:1) 2. I also rebuke and bind all anti-deliverance demons, anti-progress demons, anti-prosperity demons and anti-miracle demons. Active Christians Ministry Anyone carrying evil sacrifice at night because of me, fire of God, paralyze them, in the name of Jesus. I shall possess the gates of my enemies, in the name of Jesus. 15 Powerful and Strong Biblical Prayer Points for You Break any rope that binds my family line to any evil power of my fathers house in the name of Jesus. 28. Amen! My Bed Of Marital Roses Has Unforeseen Thorns, The Right Spouse For You Will Come At The Appointed Time. I declare that I am a new creation therefore ancestral curses has no power over me. I choose to serve the Heavenly Father, God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. I shall do good. O Lord, take me from where I am to where You want me to be, in the name of Jesus. I give you the glory for your faithfulness and mercy. 4am prayer points. In the name of Jesus, I command the fire from on high to scatter every witchcraft meeting at 3 a.m. against me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List Of 72 Hot 3AM 4AM Midnight Warfare Prayer Points: Prayer Points to break ancient blood Oath. PRAYER POINTS Father, I thank You for: The salvation of my soul Loving me so much that you sent your only begotten son to die for the remission of my sins The wonder-working power in the blood of Jesus Christ Being my portion in the land of the living The fruit of your spirit working wonders in me Never leaving or forsaking me for even one second 5 Powerful Prayer Points Christians Should Be Praying 27. 54. Psalms 5:2-3: I release the fire from above to scatter every witchcraft meeting of 3 am against me, in the name of Jesus. 4am prayer points From this morning onwards, I shall always come out triumphant over all my problems, Amen. The men and women who do the most for God are always men and women of prayer. 72 Hot 3AM - 4AM Midnight Warfare Prayer Points - Daily Prayers Good Morning, Holy Spirit! Bravo Sir. All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables, and He said nothing to them without [using] a parable. 27. The courage to face whatever challenges I might face and come out victorious. 5. Scripture contains triumphs and accompanying trials, sorrow, and rejoicing. Any evil personality visiting the witch doctor because of me, O ye moon and star scatter their plans, in the name of Jesus. O God, awake and disturb those who disturb my destiny at night, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of favour, counsel, might and power, come upon me, in Jesus name. Keep a watch over my ears, heart, thoughts, and imagination today, Lord, in the name of Jesus (Psalm 141:3, 4). The power of God at work in us makes us over comers, and as overcomes we cannot fail in life. See more ideas about prayers, prayer for husband, prayers for my husband. Let the purposes for which You gave me this day be established, in Jesus name (Jeremiah 29:11). Through the power of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, break every burden of backwardness in my life with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. O Lord, in the name of Jesus, cancel or eliminate Your wrath from my life by Your kindness. 15. 30 Early Morning Prayer Points For Spiritual Warfare. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Here are some prayer points for wisdom. Time for the Holy Spirit to prepare us for service (2 Corinthians 9:15; Ephesians 4:12) In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I rebuke and bind all anti-prayer demons in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the sea and all the waters above and underneath e.g. Let this morning be a time of unbelievable prosperity and achievement in Jesus name. Dont you know these works I do. 10 Personal Prayer Topics and Prayer Points for Effective Spiritual Genesis 32:22-31 As I step out into the morning, Lord guide me. 4am Prayer Points [ Grace ] Prayer Points DIVINE VISITATION John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?. Made against me. Deliverance Prayer You have entered an incorrect email address! Blood of Jesus, arise in your power, kill every curse working against me, in the name of Jesus. I take authority over this day, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Watches: the Fourth Watch ~ by Phyllis Ford - His Kingdom Prophecy In the victorious and powerful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I ask You, Lord to loose my heart, my soul, and my mind in the spirit. THE BEST 3 AM WARFARE PRAYER POINTS - EvangelistJoshua.com 26. Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, INDLY WATCH EVERYDAYPRAYERGUIDE TV ON YOUTUBE, War Against The Powers of Darkness and Prayer Points For Divine Speed, Powerful Prayer Points For Rain of Miracles, Powerful Prayer Points With The Blood of Jesus. I bind and chain all the evil spirit guards (gatekeepers) that are in charge of these curses, covenants, initiations, spells, charms, etc. 38. There will be no poverty of body, soul and spirit in my life, in the name of Jesus. I love the prayers. 7. I break myself loose from the powers of witches, wizards, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, spiritual homes, spiritual properties, familiar spirits, water spirits, dead human spirits, etc. You serpent of darkness, release me and die, in the name of Jesus. Father, you are the source of my aid; give assistance to me tonight in Jesus' name. against my life. In the name of Jesus, I order you, witches and wizards of the night, to withdraw your hands off my life, health, and marriage. 10 Your kingdom come. Spending Lockdown With Someone You Want to Divorce! Powers making it difficult for me to lift up my head, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus. Satan, loose them now! My life shall bring glory to you, I shall not disappoint your expectations over my life. I will do the prayer every morning, I have even saved it on my documents. It is a culture and age long tradition that once the morning comes, all people should automatically leave their bed rests and get to the days work. PRAY THIS EVERY MORNING FOR DIVINE SPEED AND BREAKTHROUGH- Apostle Joshua Selman Rhema Media TV 2K views 10 days ago LISTEN TO THIS PRAYERS EVERY MORNING - APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Femi Oluwaleimu. handsomejeremia says: March 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm. I confess that this is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it, in the name of Jesus. Father, you are the source of my help, send help to me tonight, in the name of Jesus. O sun, as you are coming out today, uproot every wickedness targeted at my life, in the name of Jesus. I sanctify this day in your Word. 13. (Genesis 12:2). I refuse to be an inconvenience to my neighbors, relatives, and friends. I receive grace to be diligent in my work, in the name of Jesus. I shall not lack the blessings of the morning in my life in the name of Jesus. I will continue to remain a success candidate in the name of Jesus. for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. 1. 40. 24. Father, let me be justified now by the words of my mouth. They are effective prayer points because when you walk in the reality of your status in Christ, you become an unstoppable Christian. He came as our example. Just as men stood on city walls in the Bible to watch for approaching danger, God calls us to be modern-day watchmen and warn those who are in danger ( 2 Kings 9 . Prayers are our simple and traditional way of reaching out to God. (Say the following 4am prayer points with faith) In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I rebuke and bind all anti- prayer demons in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the sea and all the waters above and underneath e.g. Father God, I ask for wisdom for today and understanding in all I do in the name of Jesus (James 1:5). In the name of Jesus, I cover myself and this night prayer with the blood of Jesus Christ. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . I declare that I am untouchable, because the power that raised up Jesus from the dead is at work in me in Jesus name. There is nothing a heartfelt prayer cannot solve. You see, all this deliverance happened in the early hours of the day, if you want to see the hand of God in your life, you must engage in early morning prayers for spiritual warfare. 30 Early Morning Prayer Points For Spiritual Warfare. - prayerguide Father, I declare that today is a blessed day for me, in the name of Jesus. Good Morning, Jesus Christ! DANGEROUS PRAYER . 10. Lord Jesus, I am about to go into today to start my day. I now declare that every curse is broken, nailed to the cross and reversed into a blessing. The devil and his agents are too small to stand on my path to greatness in life in Jesus May the Almighty God bless you in a big way for being a blessing to many in this platform. I apply the blood of Jesus to dismantle the powers of witchcraft over my life, in the name of Jesus. You have entered an incorrect email address! Every power that is actively pursuing my downfall - BRING THEM DOWN. First, you have disobeyed the voice of God. Father, in Jesus name, when I repent and renounce my sin, set me free from every place where the devil has been tormenting me. I use the fire of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus Christ to destroy all spiritual cellophane covering the air. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Since 2001 & 2002, I lost educational certificates & underwear. At the moment I am doing nothing to keep body and soul. May our almighty God reachly bless you and your famaly. Guys also see prayer on Prayer Together and if you find then heart touching then you can send them to Western Wall as well. Lord, use somebody to bless me this morning, Amen. Thank you for your kind words Christabel. Every pit that has been dug for me by the enemy, fall into it yourself in Jesus' name. 21. Spiritual Warfare & Watches of the Day - thankGODforJESUS.org I repent of all disobedience, rebellion, mistreatment of others, lying, cheating, using or slandering your name in vain. In James 5:16 (NIV), we are told that the "prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.". Orthopedic Technician Brightens Injured Childrens Cast With Colorful Designs, Rev. is buddy allen married. O sun, I have risen before you, cancel every evil programme, projected into you against my life by wicked powers, in the name of Jesus. 52. Learn how your comment data is processed. Unknown to most people, prayer taking from 12 am to 3 am is a time where the God of Elijah would arise and fight your battles. MORNING PRAYERS TO COMMAND YOUR DAY - Dr. D.K. Olukoya - Evangelist Joshua 7. Let me an instrument you will use to spread the gospel in Jesus name. 30. 16. Father God, I pray for discernment and for a new vision to help me recognize and resist all evil and all fleshly, worldly ways. I am born again through the living word of God that lasts forever. Let the blood of Jesus separate me from any person that are not serious with their destiny, in Jesus name. 28. & Amen! This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice. 6. Opportunity wasters, my life is not your candidate, Die! For your word said we should be thankful and acknowledge that whatever we have ask for it is given to us in Jesus Name. But I ask for your divine protection. 5. I will not use my mouth to scatter the blessings God has arranged for me, in the name of Jesus. Good Morning, Holy Spirit! In the name of Jesus, arise in your might and kill every curse that is working against me. I ask You Holy Spirit to destroy all the power of the demons on guard against my heart, my soul and my mind. I loose myself from all the powers of darkness against me. Every evil arrow fired against my life, career, business, family (and so on), go back to your sender now in Jesus' name. 7. As we pray, we stand watch over our families, cities, and nations. 9. I use the axe of fire to uproot the tree of non-achievement in my life, in the name of Jesus. 15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

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4am prayer points