Lectionary-based video sermons by some of Americas best preachers for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes, or for individual use. And be safe! No further licenses are required. We come. For sustenance. One: We hold in this space, those who have endured the worst of what the world has to offer. As trans people, we know the love of God. Bulletins and read-only versions of the service are also availalbe. (Lavon Baylor, 2014; edits by KFR, 2020), God, we come before you in these mortal bodies,Pledging that we will become instruments of peace, love and hope.Christ called us to serve as disciples to all nations, to all people.We commit to serving without fear, learning how to serve as Jesus served,Seeing the beloved-ness of your people, people set free from sin through the sacrifice of the Cross.Let us be instruments to glorify you, O God. Confident of your commitment to wholeness and healing, we lift before you the wounds inflicted on your beloved queer and trans children. Every bit of love that is out there, God has guided you to find it. You can search or browse hymns by title, tune, meter, key, scripture reference, and more. 06 de enero del 2023, Epiphany 1A January 8 {Baptism Renewal}, Living Psalm 40:1-11 Martin Luther King, Jr. Remembrance, Health and Human Service Sunday January 29, Racial Justice Sunday February 12 (Join the Movement Worship Resources), Transfiguration Sunday Year A February 19, Christmas Collects and Benediction December 24/25, New Years Eve or Day December 31-January 1, Service Prayers for the First Sunday of Advent Year B, 11.29.20, Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.6.20, Service Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.13.20, Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B, 12.20.20, Christmas 1 or 2December 27, 2020 or January 3, 2021, Watchnight serviceDecember 31, 2020 Year B, Lights Wisdom: Service Prayers for the Festival of Epiphany Year B, January 6, 2021, Baptism of Christ Epiphany 1 Year B, January 10, 2021>, Revealed to Us Epiphany 2 Year B, January 17, 2021, Reluctant Evangelists Epiphany 3 Year B, January 24, 2021, Holy, Whole One Epiphany 4 Year B, January 31, 2021, The Delightful Lightness of Being in Light Epiphany 5 Year B, February 7, 2021, Transfiguration Sunday Year B, February 14, 2021, Health and Human Services Sunday January 31, Prayer of Protection from the Celtic Tradition. You can find the homepage from there. God chose to speak to us, to show us a way towards authenticity to show others the way toward the value of life, the destructiveness of rigid gender rules. God is that voice within us that shows us the way to authenticity, to self-love, and to community. The 2022 Information Review was due on Feburary 11th, 2022. We're pleased to share the insights of four UCC congregations who have found successful and innovative ways to worship online. FESTIVALS/SPECIAL DAYS (includes Creation). Enter into the baptismal waters of the Jordan River with John the Baptist as Jesus shows up alongside the Voice and the Spirit. Email us 24/7/365 at store@ucc.org with any questions. Wider Church Ministries. Our difference is what makes us valuable, beautiful, and divine. Amen. UCC Open and Affirming Coalition | Worship Worship for Pride Month and ONA Sunday Worship Resources for Open and Affirming Sunday A recording of our virtual National 2020 Open and Affirming Service is available YouTube. Blessed are the lovers of leaving Leaving family and familiarity, Leaving tables Where love is not being served. Names have the significance we assign to them. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Christmas season lifts up the baby Jesus in many ways through many names. The United Church of Canada L'glise Unie du Canada. All Belong Here The Many (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJBEwqBfw3I). One: In silence we name within ourselves, the things we cannot bare to speak. and may your study be prayer. (MK, 2020), One: How long, O Lord?ALL: How long must your lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people hide, afraid to come out to wholeness?One: How long, O Lord?ALL: How long must our Black, Latinx, and Indigenous siblings bear the scars our legacy of white supremacy and racism have left on this nation, on this world?One: How long, O Lord?ALL: Before the lament we carry in our souls is heard and comforted?One: Divine Beloved, we have trusted in your steadfast love.ALL: Our hearts have rejoiced at the promise of your mercy and compassion.One: This Open and Affirming Sunday, let us sing to the Lord, Our God. (Helen Rose), Prayers of the PeopleOne: In the midst of all that keeps our spirits frantic, overwhelmed, or troubled, we pause. ALL: Do not allow us to make our ideas of you into an idol. We believe in solidarity with the suffering. For those who have no safe place or people to retreat to. He sought out the despised and made them friends. Your child was the transgender child rejected and cast from their family for daring to Come Out as their true self. In you, we are free from the pressure of our world to conformto all become like. We believe that our togetherness is transformative. Be prepared and committed to witness, testify, and demonstrate the realization of the kindom. ALL: We come today to celebrate our deliverance from that despair and to give thanks to you, Loving God; We know you God, God who takes care of all who stay close to them. ONE: May we delight in the ways you have created us: diverse, unique, surprising, and beautiful. Welcome! We Are Marching In the Light of God, TFF 63 / ELW 866 . Content on ucc.org is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here. UCC Resources The UCC provides a set of Guides to Pastoral Search and Call, including this downloadable Notes for the Intentional Interim Minister. Why are we called to be the UCC in this time and place? ALL: Come out, people of God! In Christ, difference is seen again as you created it holy and beloved. The Working Preacher site offers an introduction to the Narrative Lectionary, sermon preparation, and worship service planning preparation. Bible study, worship, and song suggestions are available on their site. One: Though we may be afraid Though we will be at risk ALL: God calls us to courage! In many of our traditions, a covenant (like the covenant of baptism) is a vow that should be renewed every year. Too many in the world still ridicule those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, asexual, and intersex. FREE Annual Stewardship Resources - Center for Faith and Giving You can find the homepage from there. Ive put my life in your hands. Zion's UCC POTTSTOWN Zion's United Church of Christ welcomes all to a joint worship service on March 5 at Trinity United Church of Christ, 60 N. Hanover St., at 9:30 am. Responding to recent gun violence, Pastor Mitchell Young offered this Prayer for Monterey Park Shooting Victims. Learn more and join a Community of Practice today! To enter the system, you simply enter your username (this is your UCC email address) & password that you use to log onto your PC. To rend ones heart is to deliberately open ourselves to revitalized thoughts, attitudes, and emotions. We recommend that the congregation stands (as they are able) to recite together the words of your Open and Affirming Covenant as an act of faith and recommitment following the sermon. Worship Resource: Advent Wreath Liturgy 2020 (inspired by UCC Book of Worship Advent wreath readings 2020 Advent Wreath week 1: Hope Introductory Sentences Today is the beginning of Advent-the preparation time for celebrating Christ's birth. Read this document from Heather Kimmell, General Counsel to the UCC, to better understand. We are Gods chosenwho like Moses were not meant to be born, not meant to exist, but do. You can view up to date timetables on the Web Timetables section. (KFR, 2020), Call to Worship One: Strange One. My planned remake of the Textweek site did not . The power and glory of the resurrection forges forth a new way of being. ). A four year process for preaching on Sacred Scripture, developed by African-American scripture scholars, preachers, and liturgists. Learn More UCC Polity curriculum Curious about what it means to be a part of the UCC? A three year rotation of scriptures for preaching developed by protestant churches. For the allies who suffered beside us, casting their lot with us in true solidarity. A sermon preparation resource designed for use with the Revised Common Lectionary. The form and content of the service focus on the dual themes of sin and death in the light of God's redeeming love in Jesus Christ. Revised Common Lectionary:A three year rotation of scriptures for preaching developed by protestant churches. For the ones who are struggling with feelings of isolation and shame. Mental Health Sunday - mhn-ucc.org Check out The Living Psalms. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Worship Resources Follow the Lectionary Worship Resources In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God's service in the world. We make violence tremble by being peacemakers. All-age Worship (Uniting Church: SA) Center for Liturgy Sunday website lectionay-based preaching and prayer resources from St Louis University, USA Ministry Matters preaching and worship-leading resources, UMC, USA Music and the Arts - Links to music, art and multi media. Amen. Together to Celebrate RCL-based contemporary music suggestions Many links are active with current information even when my guiding link points toward an earlier year. We hear your answer to all still hurting: Be brave. Give us the courage to live boldly into the mystery of diversity, the strength to persevere in the face of adversity, and the power to love in ways that go beyond understanding. Worship Resources from Global Ministries Youth and Children Resources from Global Ministries Family and Children's Ministries Baptism Certificates Reconciliation Ministry (various) Pastoral/Leadership Grants & Scholarships History Ecumenical Financial Publications Additional Resources Find a Disciples congregation near you. For the ones who take risks, who dream, who feed and pray, who fight for bread and roses, both. (KFR, 2020). Divine because it is Gods gift to us. Amen. We can recognize this when the impossible happens, when inside us, despite our despair, there is the tiniest of lights, the smallest sign of hope, the little bit of energy that seems to be coming from within us. Rooms are available for booking between 8am and 10pm each day. A Just World for All UCC Identity & Resources UCC Yearbook and Directory, Access UCC Be the Church Justice & Witness Ministries Apparel Jewelry Gifts Banners & Posters Buttons - Justice & Witness Ministries 2022 UCC Yearbook & Directory $37.00 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 In the 'Make a Booking' screen under 'Refine Search' make sure to select the 'Recurring' icon, this will allow you to make up to 6 bookings at the one time. In the many names of Love, may it be so. (MK, 2020), Based on We are Descendants by Lavon BaylorWe are descendants of your righteous ones,Those who obeyed, you Beloved children,Greeting your covenant with joyous praiseThrough fearful nights and problem laden days. One: O God, you offer us life. ALL: Let us raise the songs of our ancestors, committing to walk in justice and mercy, until all Gods people are free. UCC Open and Affirming Coalition | Worship For those who are unsafe in their communities. Welcome to GatheringWorship.ca - United Church of Canada Worship resources include sermon ideas as well as complete sermons, a litany, unison prayers and more. Begin your day (Monday through Friday) with a quiet and centering experience of Morning Prayer at 9 EDT. For your presence within and around us, in our highs and lows, our hope and our despair, God, we give you thanks. Directory for Worship Service for the Lord's Day The Word / Preaching Your child did not see outcasts, but only your own people. We invite you to use some or several of these resources in your virtual or in-person worship. Find trans organizations, trans friends, trans instagram accounts to follow. Our Offices: | 8:00am 5:00pm CT (M-Th) and 8:30am 12:00pm (F) |Des Moines Office Phone: 515.277.6369 | Sioux Falls Office Phone: 605.338.8738Des Moines Office Address: 5609 Douglas Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310 | Sioux Falls Office Address: 3500 S Phillips Ave. Ste 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences of the UCC, Marks of Ministry Self-Assessment & Peer Review, and Ministerial Code Review, every 3 years, 2023 Nebraska salary and benefit guidelines, 2023 South Dakota salary and benefit guidelines, 2022 Nebraska salary and benefit guidelines, 2022 South Dakota salary and benefit guidelines, UCC Pension Board Health and Dental Plan Highlights and Rates, Wisconsin Council of Churches (Washington Island Forum), Periodic Vocational Support every 3 years, Continuing Education, 6 hours every 3 years, Continuing Education, 6 contract hours per year, Periodic Support Consultation every 3 years, Modest scholarships for Iowa authorized. Worship Ways; Sermon Seeds; Synod 33 Worship Videos; Music and Liturgical Arts; Stewardship & Generosity Resources; Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) History, Polity, and Theology; Search and Call; Ministerial Profiles; Ministry Opportunities; Manual on Ministry; Column. what are human beings University College Cork is a registered charity with the Charities Regulatory Authority, Sustainable Development Goals in UCC Research, Centre for Continuing Professional Development, Deep Retrofit of the Enterprise Centre, North Mall Campus. All prices USD. And so to the One who is Love, we bring the prayers of our communities. But we have not always honored the gifts you have given. Forgive us, God, for breaking our covenants.Forgive us, God, for those moments when we stayed silent and ignored your command to speak.Forgive us, God, for those times when we witnessed harm and did not intervene.Forgive us, O God, for those moments when we forgot to act always in love for one another. Its entirely possible to go through the motions without engaging the emotions, and thats not what God asks of us or appreciates from us. Discover more worship and music resources for all your needs! GatheringWorship.ca is an extension of Gathering magazine: a space for worship leaders, by worship leaders. One: Embodied in us, your creation, we recognize our flesh in all its forms is made holy in You. As we remember the violenceThat has destroyed so many lives Of people who you call Beloved,Grant us the strength and resolveTo look upon this great painIn reverence and sobriety,Without turning awayOr denying the realityOf this terror. Were proud to share with your congregation this video designed by Kimi Floyd Reisch for Transgender Day of Remembrance. This calendar view can also be viewed in day, week, month or list view. +353 (0)21 490 3000 We reject our neighborsothering them for being different from us. United Church of Christ Resources Anything and everything UCC: merchandise, books, resources, and more. We might remember the prophesy of Isaiah with the promise of the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Son of God and Son of Man, depending upon which Gospel account you read, also speak to who Jesus is. Worship Resources - Global Ministries +GATHERING+ . We pray for our elders whose labor we are indebted to. We must write the stories of our trans elders and trans visions of a trans past. Tearing ones clothes was an outward sign of remorse and commitment to change. ALL: God, hear our prayers. Copyright Alydia Smith, 2022 UCC Resources | UCC Resources - United Church of Christ Don't forget to send us your submissions! Lectionary-based video sermons by some of Americas best preachers for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes, or for individual use. Help us to open our hearts to the world that you love. ALL: We all suffer when any LGBT person is oppressed, excluded, or shamed.One: When justice is denied to any of us, justice is denied to all of us.ALL: Until we are all free, none of us are free.One: May we work to build a world where all people are affirmed with love. Rend Our Hearts: 2023 Lenten (and Holy Week) Sermon Seeds Series. Be blessed. You can access Resource Booker via https://www.ucc.ie/en/build/roombookings/resource-booker/. Not sure what streaming and copyright law requires? Fluid and ever becoming One. Jesus Christ, lover of all, ALL: bring healing, bring peace. But we cannot forget that in love, your child came to be different, to overcome that fear, to be everything the world would reject. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Worship Resources The Notifications screen contains a log of all notifications you have received through Resource Booker. 5. How shall we ready ourselves and participate in the coming of Christ in the world? God chose every single one of us. Its suitable for your service on Sunday, Nov. 22. 4. Lift Every Voice: A Celebration of Song from the Black Church Experience, Churches pray for storm-ravaged Bowling Green, Reimagine Advent: Discover the Liberating Christ, Resources for Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month, Rebuilding church choirs after a pandemic, 2021 United Methodist Easter Virtual Choir, 7 reasons you must not abandon your online services, Creative ideas for Christmas Eve worship 2020, Local Church Learning Session: Copyrights and licenses, Alone together: The 2020 Pentecost paradox, 12 hopeful signs from worship leaders during quarantine, Supporting high school seniors during COVID-19, Creatively built teleprompter enhances connection with online viewers. Celebrate: World Communion Sunday Resources World Communion Sunday is coming up on October 2, 2022. Council of Conference Ministers Offer Worship Resources The Council of Conference Ministers developed a worship service centered around the Parable of the Talents which is usable in many seasons. Browse the collection of days below, or download the complete lectionary. 2023 UCC Yearbook & Directory $40.00. You are sister, brother, and sibling. These are filtered into various categories at the top of the screen. He took bread, blessed it, and when he had broken it, gave it to the others and said, This is my body which is given for you. These resources come from all settings of the UCC; they are written by pastors, educators, musicians and covenanted ministry staff members. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We feel it in our bones, in the very skin that lines our bodies, in the very nature of who we are. We pray for all who are suffering in the church and the world at the hands of white supremacy. Even in death, O God, your love prevailed. There are several ways to become a pastor in the UCC, we will guide you through the process that works best for you. The United Church of Canada acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, from coast to coast to coast, are on traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples. For those imprisoned by the state. Each week the service will stream live at 10:00 am on the Pilgrimage UCC Facebook Page. Start worship planning today: Find prayers, music, weekly inspirations, and more! The United Church of Christ search and call web page suggests the Interim Ministry Network as a source for Interim training. We praise the works of your creative hand that fills our life with beauty. We claim that diversity as we come before you and as we go out into the world. Daily Bible Reading - March 3, 2023 | USCCB Yes, Resource Booker is available from any PC or mobile device using any browser. Working together, we are excited to grow GatheringWorship.ca with you. ALL: God, hear our prayers. Sincerely, Alydia Smith (on behalf of the Gathering Worship Team) P.S. (KFR, 2020), We are all one human family. Our gratitude abounds. Additional assembly song may reflect the theme and text of the day. The National Offices have secured licenses for the use of curated recordings of individual compositions that are available for use by the local church setting. Of hope in the grip of evil. To maintain ministerial standing, UCC authorized ministers must complete the following: (Black Hills, Dakota Oahe, Prairie Lakes, and Two Rivers Associations). Daily Bible Reading - March 3, 2023 | USCCB Daily Readings March 2, 2023 March 3, 2023 March 4, 2023 LISTEN PODCAST VIEW REFLECTION VIDEO En Espaol View Calendar Get Daily Readings E-mails Friday of the First Week of Lent Lectionary: 228 Reading I Ez 18:21-28 Thus says the Lord GOD: If the wicked man turns away from all the sins he committed, UCC Resources | UCC Resources - United Church of Christ. This collection emerged from a desire to make queer hymns hymns by, for, or about the LGBTQIA2S+ community accessible to a wider range of congregations. Remind us that we are all born holy and deserve love and tenderness. (PAUSE) God in your mercy ALL: hear our prayers. Pray with the Marshall Islands, February 26, 2023. Songs for the Holy Other:This collection emerged from a desire to make queer hymns hymns by, for, or about the LGBTQIA2S+ community accessible to a wider range of congregations. How can I see more information about a room? For those fighting to recover from illness, coronovirus and others. Where we share in joy or concern, let us respond together, God, hear our prayers., For all the queer, trans, and intersex children and youth across the globe. Instead, too often, it has enacted spiritual violence on children and adults alike. Out of the places we hide Out of insecurity Out of shame Out from under that which silences love and justice. You want us to not just survive, but flourish in a world that you imaginedfilled with mercy, with love, with beauty. Please find these recordings here. We name the rejection we have felt- from our churches, from our families and friends. (Please note: Previous Worship Ways are archived and may be found using the search function.). Why are we called to be the UCC in this time and place? -More worship resources from the UCC: https://bit.ly/3Xz9fYJ *Into the Mystic with the Rev. Bible study, worship, and song suggestions are available on their site. If the spiritual transformation is missing, however, the actions become meaningless and a mockery. Creation Care Worship Resources Use worship services and resources on Earth Day, or on any other day throughout the year when your congregation celebrates the wonder of creation 2020 Earth Day Worship Resources Healing our Earthly Home Worship service order (Word) Healing our Earthly Home Worship service order (PDF) You are great enough to hold us all in your arms at the same time. Worship Resources Archives - The United Church of Canada - UCC East Each week, youll find that Sundays Lectionary texts and Sermon Seeds, a reflection on the focus text from the. One: You are as close to us as our own breath and yet, your essence transcends all that we can imagine. We celebrate with our queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay siblings who choose to come out, and honor those who do not. Resources for Worship - Living Water Association, UCC Resources for Worship You are here: COVID 19 has challenged the way we worship. ALL: Be kind to us, O God, were sinking again. It is the darkness that shelters us and keeps us safe. From the Day of Easter to the Day of Pentecost, we find God in flesh and in spirit moving in the world and in usfrom the tomb. Learn More Spiritual Directors Find a Spiritual Director to help you process experiences and grow in your faith, ministry, and leadership. You can download from YouTube at youtu.be/-dTb7fc43Tk. ( Directory for Worship, W-1.1001) Offered below are worship resources you may find helpful. If you are unsure of the capacity of a room, please seeRoom Facilitiessection. As the fires of experience burn scorching hotIn the life of every Trans person,Grant that these fires may burst forthInto a world eager for the warmthOf the truth of abundant Trans Life and Thriving. A LITANY ADAPTATION OF "LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING. Fabulous One. We remember days of our past, heritage, and history as a testimony to the evolution of time and circumstance. (silence)Jesus Christ, lover of all,ALL: bring healing, bring peace. (Psalm 8:4 CEB). Songs for the Holy Other: Hymns Affirming The LGBTQIA2S+Community (https://thehymnsociety.org/resources/songs-for-the-holy-other/). Forge from this fire a new world One filled with justice and with peaceTogetherOne blessed by strength and tendernessTogetherOne called to challenge and to sootheTogetherOne able to strain and to healTogetherOne that is grieving and rejoicingTogether. Hear the prophetic call to live in the radiance of God and do the simple if difficult things required of those who claim and are claimed by the Holy One. Beloved people of God. When you use 'Refine search' it filters all rooms to show only the rooms that are available at your preferred time/date. Worship Resources. (Access is available. Happy World Communion Sunday! Worship Worship Ways; Sermon Seeds; Synod 33 Worship Videos; Music and Liturgical Arts; Stewardship & Generosity Resources; Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) History, Polity, and Theology; Search and Call; Ministerial Profiles; Ministry Opportunities; Manual on Ministry; Column. For the friends, lovers, and comrades who lift our spirits, always by our side when the days are heavy. We yield to Spirit, offering what we have to the greater good. Our thanks to Rev. National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry, Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century, 'Credo' virtual choir anthem for United Methodist worship celebrations. Global . The church was founded in a purpose that is grounded in embrace, liberation, resistance, and community. On the night of his arrest, Jesus gathered around table with his chosen family, his companions, his friends. Whatever the background, names serve as a means of identification. The United Church of Canada. Over the past several years, the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences and Council of Conference Ministers have created several worship services for your congregations use. In stressful lives and a world in turmoil, Morning Prayer will reconnect you with God. Terry Williams, Ohio RCRC Faith Organizer. You give us strength to go on when we are troubled and discouraged. Anticipation is best accompanied by preparatory action. Worship that is authentic, invitational and draws us nearer to God comes in many forms. 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 The ultimate guide to making sermons digital, part 1, Lent: A season of baptismal storytelling. CommunionOne: The Holy One be with youALL: And also with youOne: Open your hearts to the One who is LoveALL: We open our hearts to you, O GodOne: Let us give thanks to God who shapes our worldALL: For every creature and creation, we give you thanks, O God! Things are basically as they were in my last update, if not more difficult. We have, at times, sided with political and religious powers that refuse to recognize your image in all people. What are human beings Based on ancient Christian practices of daily prayer, this 20-minute service includes a Taiz chant, psalms, a reading, prayer and silence. You were our refuge through all times of change,When the world seemed harsh and strange.We followed your lead even when the path was obscured, the way to grace hidden behind our own fear. Note: All Vimeo videos can be downloaded for easy use in your worship. (Enfleshed, adapted by KFR, 2020), CommunionOne: Open your hearts to Love.ALL: We open our hearts to you, O God. A recording of our virtual National 2020 Open and Affirming Service is available YouTube.Credit abbreviations: Kimi Floyd Reisch (KFR), Mak Kneebone (MK). Please see the Resource Booker User Guide on how to make, cancel or edit a booking. Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education RevGalBlogPals creates support, resources, and community for women in ministry via our website, Facebook group and Continuing Education events. Even if you have to go underground, if you have to stop your transition, if you cannot come out, if you have to go stealth it is okay. For one time events, visit our calendar and look under the Continuing Education category to filter events. Their website features an extensive library of lectionary-based sermons in text and audio, video resources, and helpful blog posts, along with other helpful information for lay persons and pastors. Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education - Southern New England Conference of the UCC Homepage Make God's Love and Justice Real Environmental Ministries Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education Worship and Preaching Jump to Education for Adults Jump to Earth Day This service was created and edited by Kimi Floyd Reisch. Technical: Many links are active with current information even when my guiding link points toward an earlier year. We can help you get situated.
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