Note that when an avulsion is performed to facilitate a nail bed repair, it is bundled and not separately reportable. All the articles are getting from various resources. The Medicare program provides limited benefits for outpatient prescription drugs. WebNail Procedure CPT Codes Trimming of nondystrophic nails, any number (11719) Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; single (11730) Avulsion of nail plate, partial or In the numeric section of the CPT, the removal of the nail and nail matrix is code 11750. recommending their use. Furnished in accordance with accepted standards of medical practice for the diagnosis or treatment of the patients condition or to improve the function of a malformed body member. Should the foregoing terms and conditions be acceptable to you, please indicate your agreement and acceptance by clicking below on the button labeled "I Accept". When damage to the nail is extensive and removal is required, report it with CPT code 11730 (avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple, single, 1.58 RVUs, Medicare $56.94). The Utilization Parameters section of the Article has been revised to remove the direction for the use of modifiers 76 and 77 and to add instructions that repeat services on the same nail, within 32 weeks, will be considered upon redetermination. Neither the United States Government nor its employees represent that use of such information, product, or processes This page displays your requested Article. You acknowledge that the ADA holds all copyright, trademark and other rights in CDT. End Users do not act for or on behalf of the CMS. Other conditions may also require avulsion of part or all of a nail. Every page of the record must be legible and include appropriate patient identification information (e.g., complete name, dates of service[s]). How to TRANSITIONING/TRANSFERRING OF ENROLLEES to MCO, What is Patient driven Grouping model how its working, Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement (WCMSA) Full coverage, Understanding Medicare cost Reports and usage. We have billed the procedures several ways, and have been getting denials recently. WebFor ingrown toenails, a podiatrist may remove a section of the nail and give you a prescription to treat the infection. The following surgical procedures represent the options used to treat a complicated/symptomatic ingrown nail(s): Avulsion of a nail (CPT codes 11730 and 11732) involving separation and removal of the entire nail plate or a portion of nail plate (including the entire length of the nail border to and under the eponychium). However, please note that once a group is collapsed, the browser Find function will not find codes in that group. Depending on which description is used in this Article, there may not be any change in how the code displays in the document: 11750. ,lEPnL^aB8. An ingrown nail is growth of the nail edge into the surrounding soft tissue that may result in pain, inflammation or infection. The surgical treatment of ingrown nails is considered to be medically appropriate and reasonable for an ingrown toenail in the advanced stage in which the lateral nail fold bulges over the nail plate causing erythema, edema, and tenderness, and granulation of the epithelium inhibits serous drainage and precludes any chance of elevating the nail edge from the dermis of the lateral skin fold. However, services performed for any given diagnosis must meet all of the indications and limitations stated in this policy, the general requirements for medical necessity as stated in CMS payment policy manuals, any and all existing CMS national coverage determinations, and all Medicare payment rules. CPT codes covered if selection criteria are met: 11055: Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesion (e.g., corn or callus); single lesion: 11056: two to four lesions: WebHow do you properly code bilateral hallux nail avulsions? This condition most commonly occurs in the great toes and may require surgical management. Applications are available at the American Dental Association web site. Response to Comment (RTC) articles list issues raised by external stakeholders during the Proposed LCD comment period. The following information must be clearly documented in the patients medical record: Complete detailed description of the pre-operative findings. descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution or derivative work A complete detailed description of the procedure performed. 11750. Articles often contain coding or other guidelines that are related to a Local Coverage Determination (LCD). B. Single-center An asterisk (*) indicates a Permanent correction of recurring ingrown toenail by nail resection or wedge excision of the nail lip should be billed with CPT code 11750 or 11765 and not as an incision Question: Are there different codes for managing nail problems? Chapter 12 Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Code expansions: Updates to medical terminology. Appropriate, including the duration and frequency that is considered appropriate for the service, in terms of whether it is: Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Regrowth of the nail usually requires at least four months. The use of specific terminology is important in applying codes for this condition. If a tourniquet is used, it should be removed as soon Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, Section 1833(e) states that no payment shall be made to any provider of services or other person under this part unless there has been furnished such information as may be necessary in order to determine the amounts due such provider or other person under this part for the period with respect to which the amounts are being paid or for any prior period. Some articles contain a large number of codes. For purpose of this exclusion, "the term 'usually' means more than 50 percent of the time for all Medicare beneficiaries who use the drug. WebWhat is the code for partial laparoscopic colectomy with anastomosis and coloproctostomy? Please review and accept the agreements in order to view Medicare Coverage documents, which may include licensed information and codes. Drainage may be achieved by drilling the nail with a needle or with cautery, which is reported with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 11740 (evacuation of subungual hematoma, 0.92 relative value units [RVUs], Medicare $33.16). Reproduced with permission. If a covered diagnosis is not on the claim, the edit will automatically deny the service as not medically necessary. Postoperative instructions given to the patient and any follow-up care (e.g., soaks, antibiotics, follow-up appointments). You, your employees and agents are authorized to use CPT only as agreed upon with the AMA internally within your organization within the United States for the sole use by yourself, employees and agents. Medicare will allow ten services per beneficiary per 24 months for CPT codes 11730 and/or 11732. The CPT/HCPCS codes included in this LCD will be subjected to procedure to diagnosis editing. If injectable anesthesia was not used, the reason must be clearly documented in the patients medical record. Z48.817 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. %%EOF Another option is to use the Download button at the top right of the document view pages (for certain document types). that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to Wedge excision of the nail fold hypertrophic granulation tissue with removal of the offending portion of the nail (CPT procedure code 11765). This procedure involves the separation and removal of a border of the nail or removal of the entire nail from the nail bed to the eponychium. DISCLOSED HEREIN. These materials contain Current Dental Terminology (CDTTM), copyright© 2022 American Dental Association (ADA). Therefore, a partial or complete excision of nail and nail matrix may be the preferred course of treatment for recurrent ingrown nails. Type and quantity of local anesthetic agent used. 5. Article revised and published on 04/18/2019 to add the CPT and ICD-10 codes from the related LCD, L34887 Surgical Treatment of Nails, in response to CMS Change Request 10901. CMS has defined "not usually self-administered" according to how the Medicare population as a whole uses the drug, not how an individual patient or physician may choose to use a particular drug. If you do not agree with all terms and conditions set forth herein, click below on the button labeled "I do not accept" and exit from this computer screen. an effective method to share Articles that Medicare contractors develop. of every MCD page. As used herein, "you" and "your" refer to you and any organization on behalf of which you are acting. Excision of the nail and the nail matrix (CPT code 11750) performed under local anesthesia requiring separation and removal of the entire nail plate or a portion of nail plate (including the entire length of the nail border to and under the eponychium) followed by destruction or permanent removal of the associated nail matrix. Categories Z00-Z99 are provided for occasions when circumstances other than a disease, injury or external cause classifiable to categories A00-Y89 are recorded as 'diagnoses' or 'problems'.This can arise Complicated wounds of the toes involving nail components. CPT 11055, 11056, 11057, 11719, 11720, 11721 - Routine Foot Care Services Coding Code Description CPT 11055 Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesion (eg, corn or callus); single lesion 11056 Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesion (eg, corn or callus); 2 to 4 lesions This email will be sent from you to the Medicare requires the medical necessity for each service reported to be clearly demonstrated in the patients medical record. MACs are Medicare contractors that develop LCDs and Articles along with processing of Medicare claims. The following information should be included in the patients medical record (in the operative note or in progress notes related to a recent/contemporaneous/subsequent E/M encounter): A complete detailed description of the procedure performed including exact portion of nail removed. Note. JavaScript is disabled. (Refer to LCD: Routine Foot Care). WebLogic for incision: You should report each toenail removal: 11750 for the first complete removal and 11750 for the second removal. This LCD imposes diagnosis limitations that support diagnosis to procedure code automated denials. Answer: Nail and nail bed procedures may be required for injuries or medical conditions. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply. E&M working up the patient for this initial encounter for a new problem requiring a procedure. Editors Note: Cutting through the red tape to make certain that you get paid for every dollar you earn has become more difficult than ever, particularly in our current climate of health care reform and ICD-10 transition. Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, you, your employees and agents are authorized to use CDT only as contained in the following authorized materials and solely for internal use by yourself, employees and agents within your organization within the United States and its territories. There are multiple ways to create a PDF of a document that you are currently viewing. Article revised and published on 01/12/2017 effective for dates of service on and after 01/01/2017 to reflect the annual CPT/HCPCS code updates. Deformed nails that prevent wearing shoes or otherwise jeopardize the integrity of the toe. You must log in or register to reply here. CMS believes that the Internet is "et|+D+CDuM@9 Jad(v f-n,Q@w5t The American Hospital Association ("the AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity, ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity, A58961 - Response to Comments: Surgical Treatment of Nails, Contusion of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left thumb with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left thumb with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left index finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left index finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left middle finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left middle finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left ring finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left little finger with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left little finger with damage to nail, sequela, Crushing injury of right thumb, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right thumb, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left thumb, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left thumb, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right index finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right index finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right index finger, sequela, Crushing injury of left index finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left index finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left index finger, sequela, Crushing injury of right middle finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right middle finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right middle finger, sequela, Crushing injury of left middle finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left middle finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left middle finger, sequela, Crushing injury of right ring finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right ring finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right ring finger, sequela, Crushing injury of left ring finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left ring finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left ring finger, sequela, Crushing injury of right little finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right little finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right little finger, sequela, Crushing injury of left little finger, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left little finger, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left little finger, sequela, Contusion of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Contusion of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Contusion of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Contusion of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Puncture wound with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Puncture wound with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left great toe with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left great toe with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Open bite of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter, Open bite of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, subsequent encounter, Open bite of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, sequela, Crushing injury of right great toe, initial encounter, Crushing injury of right great toe, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right great toe, sequela, Crushing injury of left great toe, initial encounter, Crushing injury of left great toe, subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left great toe, sequela, Crushing injury of right lesser toe(s), initial encounter, Crushing injury of right lesser toe(s), subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of right lesser toe(s), sequela, Crushing injury of left lesser toe(s), initial encounter, Crushing injury of left lesser toe(s), subsequent encounter, Crushing injury of left lesser toe(s), sequela, Burn of third degree of right thumb (nail), initial encounter, Burn of third degree of right thumb (nail), subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of right thumb (nail), sequela, Burn of third degree of left thumb (nail), initial encounter, Burn of third degree of left thumb (nail), subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of left thumb (nail), sequela, Burn of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, initial encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of right thumb (nail), initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of right thumb (nail), subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of right thumb (nail), sequela, Corrosion of third degree of left thumb (nail), initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of left thumb (nail), subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of left thumb (nail), sequela, Corrosion of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of single right finger (nail) except thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of single left finger (nail) except thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), not including thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple right fingers (nail), including thumb, sequela, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, sequela, Burn of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), initial encounter, Burn of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), sequela, Burn of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), initial encounter, Burn of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), subsequent encounter, Burn of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), sequela, Corrosion of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of right toe(s) (nail), sequela, Corrosion of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), initial encounter, Corrosion of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), subsequent encounter, Corrosion of third degree of left toe(s) (nail), sequela, Superficial frostbite of right finger(s), initial encounter, Superficial frostbite of right finger(s), subsequent encounter, Superficial frostbite of right finger(s), sequela, Superficial frostbite of left finger(s), initial encounter, Superficial frostbite of left finger(s), subsequent encounter, Superficial frostbite of left finger(s), sequela, Superficial frostbite of right toe(s), initial encounter, Superficial frostbite of right toe(s), subsequent encounter, Superficial frostbite of right toe(s), sequela, Superficial frostbite of left toe(s), initial encounter, Superficial frostbite of left toe(s), subsequent encounter, Superficial frostbite of left toe(s), sequela.
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