I think I do! I know that old wives tales are just that and the calendars are obviously even worse. I have 3 girls and didn't see anything girly nor was there a dangle but from what I have been Googling, it seems that yes it has been wrong plenty of times. That is a very clear boy nub, it's only usually wrong if gestation is early or nub is borderline, all 4 of my babies were right x, Mine was wrong the nub is definitely pointing upwards but I'm having a girl x. . Posted 5/16/17. Waiting another 9 days to find out is torture!! I was told mine was a boy based off the stacked nub. Id love to see yours too so please share them here!! I'm not sure which one is the right one. Oh and thanks for the skull theory!! Mine showed a girl and I found out at 15 weeks I'm having a boy. Nub theory was right with my little girl last time but this time it predicted girl again for me - and it was confirmed last week we are having a little boy! @ 13wks3d itbstuck straight up tech said 90% boy she would bday 100 but couldn't lol so I confirmed at 16w4d he is definitely a boy . 13 weeks. Has anyone had a guess at 12 weeks based on nub theory and it turn out to be incorrect? 17/05/2021 19:47, I can't work out if the stick up bit is the nub or something else as it seems to attach to that long white line it's 12w4d. Nub theory and skull theory help please what u think it is? Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. I was convinced boy but it's a little girl! Has anyone had a picture showing a nub, then gone on to get a gender scan and the scan showed opposite gender than nub theory? The Nub theory can be used with images 12 weeks and beyond to determine the gender of your baby with 98-100% accuracy. They say it's not uncommon for early 12 weeker boys to be mistaken for girls. Post your 12 week + scan pics, I can help with nub theory! 20 week scan been told boy but convinced girl HELP. There are times when the nub theory will be incorrect, this is usually down to a poor image, the incorrect identification of all the gender markers and the wrong gestation submitted at the time of analysis. I found yours. Just curious how accurate it is. Notes: I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAAAY. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I gave up after a half hour. That was our 12+4 day scan. We could put examples here of nubs guessed wrong. I notice on here people gender guess when there's not even a viewable nub or they are doing skull theory and don't say so. thank tracey but i cant see a nub n yours but im not a proffessional, i can see nub very clearly on mine but ive done soo much research and seems boys also have he fork and it depends on various things. I'm also seeing a lot of the US pics have the babies with flat backs, which was definitely not the case with mine! Hi, after reading lots about the nub theory I think I understand it now although im still lost at my scan pic as it has the 3 white fork lines but r slightly angled up. "It's said it works 50% of the time - that's as good as guessing - so I wouldn . My last son had everyone on both the birth board and ultrasound board guessing girl. That nub is a mistaken nub bc of poor image quality. It's very murky. Predicted girl and he is a wee boy.X . To help you get started read the featured. i know ive only got 12 days to wait but im getting impatient lol but oobviusly my main concern is that it's healthy. Has anyone had a guess at 12 weeks based on nub theory and it turn out to be incorrect? Does anyone have a link to the ultrasound board? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The sonographer the second time round told me that it's very difficult to tell at 12 weeks because everything is so swollen and even girls look like boys sometimes! I have an elective u/s next week at 16w4d so hopefully they can get a better shot. "There is no evidence that it works," reiterates Dr Philippa. I'm disappointed because I wanted to do a gender reveal with family but now I'm certain based on that theory it's a boy. Post your pictures! How Accurate Is Nub-Theory? . I know that your sister found out at 14 weeks and it was wrong. I think it could easily happen. I don't think there is a clear image of the nub in the pic. Join this group to meet other parents of May 2018 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Confirm the health of our pregnancy, but they usually takes place between 6 weeks at 8 weeks. But due to the angle, the theory proposed we were having a girl. Still not 100% sold on the theory though or skull theory. Id go with early girl for yours as before 12 weeks nub still has time to rise :) These are my clear nub shots, first pic is my little boy (now almost 18 months) and second pic is baby girl due August. Confirmed boy with NIPT this week! makes a ton of sense since in a PvP setting anyone who knows what theyre doing is gonna focus on you and not your pet anyway. I freely admit that I am terribad and NUB when it comes to this. Has the shettles method been wrong for anyone? The nub theory claims to be more accurate than any of the old wives' tales. I kind of just want to list everything so people can make their own predictions and then reveal! They said a long nub (clitoris) and the angle in relation to the bladder suggested girl. I hadn't heard of the nub theory until a few days ago when a coworker's wife said she's going off of that until her 20 week scan. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I don't remember which one I posted I think it was the first one. Skull theory revolves around the skull (as above) but nub theory looks at a little 'nub' that both boys and girls . I was just surprised my tech at an elective ultrasound place told me it was a girl based strictly on the nub, I asked this the other day and no one responded but I wondered too!. , People's guesses were boy I've had gender scan and it's a girl. lol I just finished going though a million posts but I found it. I saw a forum on the what to expect app and that's how I stumbled across the theory. Share Here!! All nubs will image as a fork. In any case it would be wrong to generalize from this case. THE NUB THEORY EXPLAINED. 15/05/2021 14:50. If you look super close the bottom line is still forked a teeny bit and a boy stacked nub doesn't do that. It is around your first scan, 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, that babies have what is known as a 'nub' between their legs. I got a makeover after five C-sections gave me jelly belly - tummy tuck, boob job and lipo are the best things I've done,HAVING five children is no joke, so when one mum began feeling insecure about her body she took the plunge to do something about it. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. More relevant communities. His longtime podcast, The Glenn Show, is now on Substack . Or down because of the scan. Carpet cleaning - recommendations in Melbourne. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Hansard record of the item : 'Financial Services and Markets Bill' on Wednesday 1 March 2023. The male cranial mass is said to be more block shaped and massive compared to the females with a narrow jawline Female skulls are said to be more narrow and a rounded lower jaw bone. This is mine at 12w4d with a TEXTBOOK girly nub. I know nub theory is just a bit of fun anyway but because this scan looked identical to DDs I just assumed it was a girl (and had all girl guesses at 13 weeks) - well yesterday baby showed he is all BOY Absolutely bloody delighted! 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Yea, can y'all post your scans that were mistaken? The nub on your scan picture looks the same as my ds2's on his 12 week scan, everyone said he was a girl, oh really, i knew i shouldnt of got my hopes up lol, but i wont rely on the nub theory coz i know boys have the fork too. Non-lethal weapons constitute a trend in military thinking which has developed since the end of the Cold War. The Nub Theory is as much a theory as evolution is a theory, you can't argue a nub, it's the infantile version of the genitals, it's both labioscrotal fold and the dense nerve endings that become the clitoris or the head of the penis. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. They are invited on to give their point of view and then debate it is in the studio, with a range . I did read something about considering the bladder as well. We got the NIPT today. Most said girl for me initially then when I posted again the said boy (it was the same picture!) We were shocked. I have 3 girls and didn't see anything girly nor was there a dangle . Anyone have an u/s pic from between 12-14 weeks with a clear nub shot and it was wrong? You did it! The Nub Theory is a prediction method that uses your baby's own developing genitalia to predict his or her sex. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. It may have been years since she had last seen the electric skyline of New York City and Maggie had forgotten about the hellish traffic of the Big Apple. and got a boy on my nipt. i know its a theory with mums but i wonder if its real with the professionals. February 2014 Yes, more placement of the umbilical cord in the placenta but yolk sac same position. During the first part of pregnancy, both male and female fetuses have identical (and as-yet, not fully formed) genitalia known as a genital tubercle. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Im disappointed because I wanted to do a gender reveal with family but now Im certain based on that theory its a boy. Sooo, im wondering if people have guessed your scans based on nub but then turns out its been the opposite? A nub is a medical term for the genital tubercle an external sexual organ in a developing embryo. Create an account or log in to participate. Press J to jump to the feed. My nub and skull theory was wrong. If your NIPT said girl, its a girl. He was my 3rd boy so I didn't even bother asking for a nub shot this time. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. I'll know before I'm really showing so the carrying high or low and linea negra can't be considered. All rights reserved. So based on nub theory of my 12 week 4 day scan, Im having a boy. It looks different from mine. I was told at my 10 week scan it was a girl but at that point I paid n. If you have a clear scan with a good shot of nub, the accuracy is high. Nub theory was right - we're having a girl! How interesting! Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Just wanted to know people's thoughts on this theory, is it pretty accurate or has anyone had any experiences of being told the Just wanted to know people's thoughts on this theory, is it pretty accurate. Sisiano Paolo Biography; Why Did The Dorudon Go Extinct; Sangamon County Circuit Clerk Records Search; Rock Island 1911 45 Double Stack Magazine; Is A Strong Reek Positive Or Negative; Command Sergeant Major 69 Ada; 1st picture is 12 weeks, 2nd picture is 13 weeks. At my NT scan she wouldn't even guess unless she's 99% positive. I asked this the other day and no one responded but I wondered too! Beitrag von 139482 This post was from a user who has deleted their . Nub theory is 100% accurate. It was a BOY! It was practically parallel to the spine in two pics and I was just over 12 weeks. Pregnancy is such an exciting - but slow - time! Ingender is cool bc they have confirmed boy and girl nub galleries too. So while I wait, I know this isn't reliable but I want some anecdotal evidence of people who swore they saw a penis but ended up with a girl!! Can nub theory be wrong? The nub theory is a medical term used by healthcare professionals to identify the baby's gender from around 12 weeks in gestation. She didn't get any potty shots because she said it was too early for 3 lines but let me see if I have the picture on my lap top. Mine was right. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. I'll find out gender for sure next week, but wondering if it's truly been wrong for anyone. NIPT results should be back within 2 weeks. From about 7 or 8 weeks in gestation fetuses will begin developing what is called a "Nub" or as it is referred to in scientific terms, a "Genital Tubercle". We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. the other site i went on said as mine was done at 13plus2 then that area is bit more advanced as in if it was a boy then the dangle would be aiming higher, but im not silly lol so i wont get my hopes up, just cant wait to find out so i can start buying, Hmm my first thought was girl from the nub being so low, then thinking the skull looked quite rounded and more feminine? Then the dark things find them. No data.. just theory from a lowbie. says Ingender. Do you have a pic of your u/s? If you Google it there are studies on the accuracy, I think it is over 90% at 13 weeks and a bit less before that. In my last pregnancy the sonographer at 12 weeks told us our baby was a boy because of the nub, and she wS right. ! A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Choose Ramzi Theory (most accurate between 6-8 weeks gestation), Nub Theory (12-14 weeks), or Skull Theory (12+ weeks) for our Experts to analyze to predict the sex of your baby as early as possible. And congratulations to you! I had soo much hope it was a girl. Many believe using the nub theory with your 12 week scan means you can find out a little earlier than you could via medical means. I posted my 12 week ultrasound here and other places. Our week-by-week PREGNANCY emails are a must for parents-to-be. Its totally infantile and wrong, people like Owen claim the left is always demonised but find it acceptable to demonise every rich person Neil Hewitt, Nottingham, England THIS WEEK REPLIES: Our guests are neither asked or expected to be impartial. So I had my anatomy scan today, was totally expecting this baby to be a girl since the tech told me she was pretty sure it was a girl by looking at the nub. Do you have any intuition? I totally wouldn't have zoomed in and would definitely had guessed boy though haha. So Ive been reading that nub theory is accurate only 60% before the 12 week mark. nub theory - is it the thing that looks like a fork? My 12w6d scan of my last child I was told boy by gender experts. Can you post yours? I saw a forum on the what to expect app and thats how I stumbled across the theory. The taxi ride to the Artezen Hotel had been a grueling process. The nub (Genital Tubercle) is your baby's developing genitals, so no theory over here. My sonographer did say she's seen the nub go both ways but maybe she's just supposed to always be vague at 12 weeks. Learn more about. Like either the u/s was too early, it wasn't a clear shot of the nub, or it was clearly a girl nub, but people guess boy (or vice versa) because they're not familiar with nub theory. Thank you xx. The nub can be seen as early as 12 weeks into pregnancy. Boveda's revolutionary Humidification Packets are pre-formulated to a specific humidity level. I just found out we are having a BOY and thought it would be fun to look back on all the predictions we made based on old wives tales to see which were correct! Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. 1. Xx, wow thankyou i do hope so, pretty scan isnt it but then my last boy is also pretty lol, none whatsoever, i think i convince myself but really im in denial of it bein a boy lol. With the scan with a blood test for the mother. I was told at my 10 week scan it was a girl but at that point I paid no mind and thought to my self that's way to early to even suggest it was an elective one too. Chapter Text. I wanted to look at it just for fun, like with everything else. The top was cord or leg bone. No but I will!! DECISION AND ORDER BRENDA K. SANNES Chief District Judge. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My last boy looked like a girl until the 38 week ultrasound so? Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). But because we were not at 13+ weeks yet, there was still a big of uncertainty in their guess. Nub theory is an unproven gender prediction method that suggests you can determine your baby's gender at your 12 week pregnancy scan. Feb 23. When your baby's nub (genital tubercle) is forming and visible around 12 weeks, the angle of the dangle can assist in predicting the sex of your baby. was wrong for me also, tech said girl at 11 weeks and was very conf. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Sorry. Glenn is an academic and writer. T. The angle has to be just right and sometimes there is a weird angle with a leg etc. Your baby's external genitalia begin their "gender reveal" this week! It's located just above where the legs come together and looks like a small bump or protrusion on an ultrasound. Share your journey! The Nub Theory - Highly Reliable Early Gender Prediction - The Gender Experts Nub Theory Using this method is highly accurate. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Had a bunch of early ultrasounds, all said boy.
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