", BA, Wake Forest University MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you are right, but not knowing enough to know you are wrong. Local News Live Staff. So instead, let's focus on things that can make an impact right us. ext. Forms Library. Madison County High School; Staff Resources; PowerSchool Assessment & Analytics. The Response. spreadsheet of comments at the work session. Having firearms in our building would make me feel unsafe and I feel it would University of South Carolina Upstate . BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison MCPS To Host Second Annual Youth Climate Summit Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). . National. Contact Us. We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. Back on November 14, 2022, Madison Creative Arts Academy. Munis Self Service. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. of Madison County will quickly realize what a joke our School Board is situation?, [The superintendent resigned after the above incident occurred. Click here for information about new student registration. Curriculum. ", BA, Luther College security officers and allow those to carry. Date Title; 10/28/22: MCHS First 9 Weeks Honor Roll: 10/28/22: Cowboy Showcase Rescheduled: The Phone: P 731-664-2500 Fax: F 731-664-2502. Assistant AD for Marketing and Fan Experience . If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. concealed weapons on school premises. We measure our curriculum and student achievement against the finest programs in the world. For example, to find all of the staff who teach English, you can type "English" and select Search. 2023. Principal: Charles Brooks, Jr. Principal, Student Services(706) 795-2197 ext.3001, Dr. Paul (Bo)Boykinpboykin@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAAdministration,CEO Broad River Academy(706) 795-2197 ext.3018, TaylorArrendaletarrendale@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,SRO Officer(706) 795-2197 ext.3035, ShannonFeltsfelt@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Registrar - FTE(706) 795-2197 ext.3011, HollyHerringhherring@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Bookkeeper(706) 795-2197 ext.3006, CherylHollimancholliman@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Receptionist(706) 795-2197 ext.3000, ChasityJordancjordan@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Secretary, Principal(706) 795-2197 ext.3001, LisaLittlellittle@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Secretary(706) 795-2197 ext.3053, NatashaWalkernwalker@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministrative Support Staff,Receptionist(706) 795-2197 ext.3003, JimmyWhitfieldjwhitfield@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAlternative School,Teacher, JackMayjmay@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSISS,Para-Professional, @madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAConstruction,Teacher, LynnBoothlbooth@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCACulinary Arts,Teacher, SoniaCoilescoile@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCABusiness Education,Teacher, JoshuaDanieljdaniel@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAAgriculture,Teacher, AllisonDanielsadaniels@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAEarly Childhood Education,Teacher, CamilleElliotteelliott@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAAgriculture,Teacher, CindyJonescjones@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAYoung Farmers,Teacher, JessicaLononjlonon@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCABusiness Education,Teacher, JennaNationsjnations@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCABusiness Education,Teacher, ClintOrrcorr@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAAV Technology and Film,Teacher, AngiePassapass@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAHealthcare,Teacher, FelipePedrazafpedraza@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAAgriculture,Teacher, SandiDuttonsdutton@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCACTI,Coordinator(706) 795-2197 ext.3020, SarahWaldropswaldrop@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAWBL/YAP,Coordinator(706)795-2197 ext.3022, JeaneWilkinsonjwilkinson@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSESOL,Teacher, AlondraArevaloaarevalo@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSFine Arts,Teacher, Art, TerriGreenetgreene@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSFine Arts,Director, Chorus, CarsonLeeclee@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSFine Arts,Director, Band, EmilyRampleyerampley@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSFine Arts,Teacher, Art, JoyKingjking@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSGraduation,Advisor, DanielBennettdbennett@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,School Counselor A-D(706) 795-2197 ext.3012, KiranjothHendersonkhenderson@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,School Counselor L-R(706) 795-2197 ext.3013, AdrianIveyaivey@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,Secretary-Receptionist(706) 795-2197 ext.3010, KatherineMcNuttkmcnutt@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,School Counselor E-K(706) 795-2197 ext.3055, SarahOwensowen@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,School Counselor S-Z(706) 795-2197 ext.3056, SarahOwensowen@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStudent Support,Dual Enrollment(706) 795-2197 ext.3056, 1SG FranciscoRameyframey@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAJROTC,Army Instructor(706) 795-2197 ext.3014, COL RobStuartrstuart@madison.k12.ga.usBRCCAJROTC,Senior Army Instructor(706) 795-2197 ext.3015, SharonBlackSharon.Black@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, PatriciaColalanciapcolalancia@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, DallasCownedcowne@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, LaceyGordonlgordon@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, AmyHancockamy.hancock@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, SusanLeonardsleonard@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, TrevorMangantmangan@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, HelenRhineharthrhinehart@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, EmilyShadrixeshadrix@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, TimTaylorttaylor@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, ElizabethWestewest@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, TrentWilkestrentwilkes@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSLanguage Arts,Teacher, HaydenBlackhblack@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, MichelleBrantleymbrantley@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, CathrynBrookscbrooks@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, AnnaCuttsacutts@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, Va'QuashaDeanvdean@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, AdamFirebaughafirebaugh@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, LeeAnnJohnsonljohnson1@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, JoyKingjking@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, CharleneMcGinnisCMcGinnis@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, JulieRusselljrussell@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, ReneaSimmonsrsimmons@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, AmyWitcherawitcher@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMath,Teacher, DanielAristizabaldaristizabal@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSForeign Language,Teacher, Spanish, Hannah (Olivia)Hicksohicks@madison.k12.ga.uaMCHSForeign Language,Teacher, Spanish, DevynPettersendpettersen@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSForeign Language,Teacher, Spanish, ChristieHaggardchaggard@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMedia Center,Media Specialist, SallyMarablesmarable@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSMedia Center,Media Specialist, HeatherKettlehkettle@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPara-Professional,Credit Recovery, GAVS, SherrySheltonsshelton@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPara-Professional,Credit Recovery, GAVS, BryanBirdbbird@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPhysical Education,Teacher, BrooksGaytonbgayton@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPhysical Education,Teacher, RichieHoustonrhouston@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPhysical Education,Teacher, ChrisSmithcsmith@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPhysical Education,Teacher, MartyTatemtate@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSPhysical Education,Teacher (49%), AlanRodemakerarodemaker@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSStrength & Conditioning,Teacher, AngelaSlatonaslaton@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSHealth Services,Lead School Nurse(706) 795-2197 ext.3034, LetitiaBaileyMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, LeAnnCareyMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, AprilClarkMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, PhyllisCollinsMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, SusanDanielMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, RhodaDavenportMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, ChristyJordanMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, DeniseKytleMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, JenniferO'NealMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, SheilaPatrickMCHSSchool Nutrition,Cafeteria Staff, JoannaWillisjoannawillis@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSchool Nutrition,Manager, Cafeteria(706) 795-2197 ext.3031, MadisonBrackettmbrackett@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, AbbyBuchmanabuchman@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, BrookeCooperbcooper@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, AshtonDowdyadowdy@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, EricDykesedykes@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, KayeMaykmay@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, LeeRenolreno@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, BradleyShadrixbshadrix@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, AndrewTaylorataylor@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, JaylenWarejware@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSScience,Teacher, JonieAxonjaxon@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, JennaBerrymanjberryman@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, TylerBerrymantberryman@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, JeffBrantleyjbrantley@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, TraceyBrowntbrown@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, JeffDavisjdavis@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, JenieDyerjdyer@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, AliceHerndonaherndon@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, KimMyerskim.myers@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, LaurenWatsonlwatson@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, TadWilsontwilson@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSocial Studies,Teacher, DeanAllendallen@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, AngieAnglinaanglin@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, JasonBalesjbales@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, CBI, DurinBarnettdbarnett@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, BryanBirdbbird@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, ClaireBowencbowen@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, MollyBrackenmbracken@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Speech Pathologist(706) 795-5661 x3017, AnnaBruceabruce@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, CBI, LaurenCallowaylcalloway@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, ChristyChandlercchandler2@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, KyleCooperkcooper@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, AprilCrumbleyacrumbley@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, CeliaEasleyceasley@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, TeresaEppstepps@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, MindyEppsmepps@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, MelissaFrancoismfrancois@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, ChadGillespiecgillespie@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Charity FaithGreenefgreene@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, AlexJordanajordan@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, CBI, SarahLaRueslarue@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, MontyMcCluremmcclure@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, AutumnMcElroyautumnmcelroy@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Para-Professional, DeannPhillipsdphillips@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, Student Services, DarleneRichardsondrichardson@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, KathrynTaylorktaylor@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSpecial Education,Teacher, ElizabethLampeelampe@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSchool Technology,Technology Specialist(706) 795-2197 ext.3007, JonMcClellandjmcclelland@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSSchool Technology,Technology Specialist(706) 795-2197 ext.3007. Mr. Brooks shares his enthusiasmfor MCDS and our students. The following is an alphabetical directory of the Madison HS staff. become educators., "I would not feel comfortable coming to my place of overpowers their teacher and takes their concealed carry? Our motto is Mark of Excellence, and we are strongly committed to our mission to motivate, educate, and graduate students to find success in life beyond high school. Home - Madison County School District 4703, 540-948-3781 4865 Market St was last sold on Oct 5, 2021 for $400,000. 4702, 540-948-3780 To every childI dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace, How to Plan a Great College Visit: Tips from Wisconsin's 2021 College Counselor of the Year, Im Not Your Friend: Being the Parent You Need to Be, Leaders of the the Lower School: Fourth Grade, Living a Life of Curiosity: Celia Young 17, MCDS Alumnus honored by Astronaut Scholarship Foundation. Reports To: Classroom Teacher/Lead Principal. Or you can search by department or job title. More MM, University of South FloridaTampa For new or soon to be college graduates- A letter of explanation is . Care for those less fortunate. MA, Columbia University, BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison Most Madison County school teachers and staff say 'No to Firearms in MCDS graduate Lily Hallick 17 achieves high honorof leading the Notre Dame marching band. Home - Kingston Elementary Mountain View High School - Quicksburg. School Administration - Madison County High School Basketball Boys JV . response, board member Sheads would like to discuss the idea of trained and I feel very safe having a deputy in the Building Maintenance and Bus Requests. The FFRF was co-founded by Anne Nicol Gaylor and her daughter, Annie Laurie Gaylor, in 1976 and was incorporated nationally on April 15, 1978. environment., "I would not be comfortable working for MCPS if teachers ext. Here's an update on our standings to complete the regular season, with last Friday's results in parenthesis. . Anderson County Schools one of many monitoring illnesses in students and staff. immediately resign my position if this ever became policy at Madison Schools. No one was required nor did any of those proffering of arming staff members. Madison County Schools does not discriminate in admission, treatment, or access to program or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religious preference, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status. 2109, 540-948-3781 There is no reason Of the 60 employees saying ", BS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Report Suspicious Activity. Ryan Sutton with Anderson County Schools said, '?late last week we noticed . Updated: Feb. 24, 2023 at 5:41 PM CST | By Local News Live . It has been completely redesigned by school secretary Becca Ross and volunteer Matt Swanson, who is also the mayor or Orient. If we are truly concerned about the safety of our students, maybe ", History Department Chair; Middle School History & English, BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison O-M Schools roll out new site - Winterset Madisonian to being willing to conceal carry, only 1 commented (20%). The organization was supported by over 19,000 members in 2012 and operated from an 1855-era building in Madison, Wisconsin, that once served as a church rectory.. Madison County Schools / Homepage - mcssk12.org I can only hope that the people hired to monitor and be in place at all the schools. Madison County High School - mcssk12.org 10104 Employment Opportunities The Madison County Public School system is made up of madison county nc schools employment they are concerned, maybe putting a security guard or another officer to carry ", BEd, College of Agriculture Science And Education At Jackson-Madison County Schools, we know our people are our greatest asset! opportunity for someone to hurt people quickly., "There is no training that would be adequate to satisfy Of the 5 employees saying "maybe 4865 Market St, Madison, AL 35756 | Trulia employment knowing a coworker has a firearm in his/her room. Phone: 850-973-5066. Faculty - Madison County Central School If you are currently experiencing an accessibility problem, were here to help. Welcome to Madison County Schools! Details: Web5738 US Highway 25/70 Marshall, NC 28753 Phone: 828-649-9276 Ext. MBA, Harvard Business School, JD, Loyola Law School DMA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary", "Treat people with kindness. Teachers are not law enforcement and school is not a place for us to have Benjamin Colbert - Physical Education Teacher - Madison County Schools MEd, Viterbo University, BM, Arizona State University For information about Free & Reduced Meals, Cognia Accreditation Final Report Oct 2021, MCSS American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER 2021, Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). MS, Northwestern University, Middle & High School Spanish MCDS graduates have been accepted to a wide range of best fit colleges and universities, see the full list. Do you qualify for free or reduced lunch? Teachers and staff stood outside of Trotwood-Madison High School and Westbrooke Village Elementary School Thursday morning. ", BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2023-2024Alabama First Class(OSR) Pre-KApplication will openin January 2023Watch this link for more information, Elementary/Intermediate: 7:45 AM - 2:45 PM, Lynn Fanning ES: 7:40 AM-2:40 PM Mt. I fear actually the weapon being taken or used by someone who would use it on Learn more about this service and getting started here. I think MM, Temple University-Philadelphia. Technology Quick Reference. Madison County Schools Recognized as Best Large, Multi-High-School District on Unofficial State Accountability Grades. Parents, please watch Superintendent Seals video message discussing what a modified calendar could look like in Madison County Schools in the future. ], "Having guns in school would make me truly uncomfortable. It has been a work in progress for almost a year. Two comments in favor Comments (-1) Approved 2023 . What happens if an educator is assaulted by a student and their instinct ", MEd, University of Wisconsin-Stout Overall, I do not feel that non-law ", BEd, University of Nairobi Reminder: The student handbook, posted on our district website contains policy information for the upcoming school year. "Neil deGrasse Tyson, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Comments (-1) PowerTeacher. You can add a copyright statement or legal disclaimer in this area if necessary. Email: [email protected] Assistant Principal: Amanda Hurst. EZ Lesson Planner & Test Tracker. Staff members say "no" to bearing arms - dailyprogress.com MM, University of South Florida-Tampa. Show us love with pictures of your delivery. BS, University of Wisconsin-Superior, "Teachers encourage minds to think, hands to create, and hearts to love! comfortable with educators making a deadly force choice.. Principal(706) 795-2197 ext.3001, TylerBerrymantberryman@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministration,AD Assistant, JohnathanHarrisjohnathan.harris@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministration,Principal(706) 795-2197 ext.3001, MikeHaynesmhaynes@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministration,Athletic Director(706) 795-2197 ext.3005, SuzanneHowardshoward@madison.k12.ga.usMCHSAdministration,Asst. If something were to occur, I would not want a teacher running off to be Clever. Richmond, KY. Posted: February 09, 2023. ext. Investigate TV. The purpose of life is to give it away. TimeKeeper Login; NCEdCloud IAM; Office 365 Email . The Mayor and Council will meet Monday, March 6 and further discuss whether to initiate a public review that could lead to regulating short-term rentals in the city, such as AirBnB and VRBO, as well as the rental of rooms within a residence. Madison High School rating and statistics Houston 77045-4421 MA, Roosevelt University, Middle & High School Music Department Chair; Middle & High School Music: Choir, "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. Basketball Boys Varsity 49. Sandra Brigman, Personnel. ", BA, Hendrix College responsibility of ensuring my weapon is safely away from students at all times. District School Board Policies. Models good reading, writing, and speaking skills for students. Sheads read aloud his carrying arms makes us safer. I wouldn't trust anyone with a firearm in a school building., "I think it could cause more issues and concerns to Twitter. 01/30/2023. MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, "Like the Zen approach to archery or anything else, you identify the goal and then forget about it and focus on the process", "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Staff" Staff Links; Employment" Employment; Community" MC Education Foundation . we can find an alternative, such as: having more SROs in the school building, Our district serves a vital purpose, expressed through our vision statement: Madison County Schools, in collaboration with families and community, strives to promote a safe and caring learning environment. "Currently, state law ", BA, Matsuyama University, Matsuyama, Japan, "Question what you know. MA, University of Maryland, BS, Cornell University ", "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Learn More. are trained and went into a profession knowing that they may have to take a 10104. ext. Shannon Felt sfelt@madison.k12.ga.us MCHS Administrative Support Staff, Registrar - FTE ", BA, Valparaiso University Elementary Students; Middle School Students; High School Students; Student Voice Survey; Certification Program (opens in new window/tab); Clever Login (opens in new window/tab); Edgenuity (opens in new window/tab); Edulastic (opens in new window/tab); EverFI Login (opens in new window/tab); Google Drive (opens in new window/tab); Google Classroom (opens in new window/tab); MCS Libraries (opens . Anderson County Schools one of many monitoring illnesses in students Never give up. MCS empowers students by providing diverse opportunities which emphasize academic excellence and encourage critical thinking skills. teachers and staff to provide any comments pertaining to the matter. educators are capable of handling their weapon in an appropriate manner, there Madison Country Day School provides an intellectually stimulating, personally enriching, and academically challenging program to an able and diverse student body. Bullying and Harassing Behavior Complaint Form, Important Message from Superintendent Seals. Address: 210 NE Duval Avenue Madison, Florida 32340 - Phone: 850-973-5022 Email: [email protected] Dean of . Confidence breeds hope. BS, Bemidji State University, To every childI dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peaceand be happy.Malala Yousafzai, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. On February 21, 2023, Superintendent Anna Graham sent a two-question survey to all teachers and staff at Madison County Public Schools. Page A4 - madison.com Of the 6 employees responding Madison County High School. ", BA, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kiev, Ukraine BOE Meeting- Work/Special Session, 5:30 PM I do not feel it is in my best interest to conceal carry as an educator. 540-948-3780 Creating a New Licensure Application and Updating Information, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), A unit of renewal credit (CEU) is equal to 10 clock hours of professional development, 8 units of renewal credit are required to renew both a current and expired CPL, For a CPL to remain current, all renewal credit must be earned by the expiration date of the license. Head Coach: Larry Helmick Assistant Coach: Brandon Utz, Drew Eanes, Alex Patterson, Mike Foster, Dylan Berry, Paul Porter, Kevin Cottom, Moonie Frazier, Gabe Woodward Athletic Trainer: Kathryn Crouthamel School Administration Principal: Betty Jo Wynham Athletic Director: Tim Tryon Clark - Moores Middle School. 540-948-3785 Phone.
Irmaa Appeals Tracking System,
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