Valve Corporation. Several country-scoped modifiers (such as a portion of those in the land combat section) unlisted here can go into state scope. Changes the cost of the specified operation. Pushes the power balance by a specified amount on each week. Disables the compliance gain on our controlled states. Modifies the penalty for naval invasions. The default template is your infantry template, change that to your newly edited cavalry template with military police. me on Patreon! Discord! Modifies the effectiveness of rooting out resistance. Join us as we go over some of the new features of La Resistance on the hottest c. disable_strategic_redeployment_for_controller. Province modifiers apply a modifier to a specific province rather than a state. Modifies the efficiency of the mine sweeping mission. I've broken into Germany, big time !, and recruited 24 Cav XXs (20W+MPs) to EAT provinces that my combat XXs bypassed; so after painting Germany as USSR, how do I transform these above ground Cav XXs into 'off map' garrison XXs ?? Hoi4 occupation modifier a new regime Hoi4 occupation modifier a new regime My idea is to use Taureor's war goal trick (see link) to conquer Belgium and Switzerland without starting WWII (this would be done in 1936/37/38). Controls the maximum surrender progress of a nation. set_ruling_party Modifies the efficiency of the strategic bombing mission. experience_gain__combat_factor, experience_gain__training_factor. You are using an out of date browser. This is a community maintained wiki. Click the "Card View" button to view all commands in an easier-to-read format. Modifies the chance for a ship to be accidentally sunk or damaged. With the current occupation system, the master has access to every factory in the occupied areas. me on Twitter: The icon must be defined inside custom_icon_container, similarly to other examples. Modifies the duration of floating harbours. An opinion modifier that is defined can be added to a country as followed : You set the occupying division in the occupation menu or via the state menu. Report. Can also be used as a targeted modifier. Changes the chance for resistance activity to occur on our occupied states. Examples of global modifiers are the penalty for non-core states or the effects of stability and war support. Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming fighter planes on the carrier during the battle. Changes the risk of the specified operation. Do a search for HOI4 cheats, and you'll find it. Changes the repair speed of a specific building. The Fw 190D-9 became the. This is . Modifies weekly war support gain of the country by a percentage. Is there a command in HOI4 that can change the ideology of a country? By 1913, the United States claimed 310,000 square kilometres of colonial territory, compared to 2,360,000 for Belgium, 2,940,000 for Germany and 32,860,000 for the United Kingdom (Bairoch 1993, 83). If youre already familiar with the reworks, you can skip to part 2 here. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The bonus in combat given from having air superiority. Changes opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action by a percentage. Modifies the amount of fuel capacity, in thousands, given to the state controller from the building. Modifies the supply of floating harbours. hoi4 how many strategic bombers. This adds the specified value to the modifier's total value for the scope where it is applied. Youll notice that capitals of captured countries might require stronger laws than say, the countryside. Modifies the damage done by planes on the port strike mission. Take note of the occupation laws in place. Modifies the operative recruitment choices. I think you need to go fascist and have high compliance. Modifies the speed of the country's ships. Modifies the amount of manpower the overlord can use from the subject. Modifies the delay in hours for refueling and rearming planes on the carrier. Funnily enough, if Turn the subject into a Collaboration Government. It takes a lot more work than expected. Modifies the likelihood for country's torpedos to hit enemy ships. Changes training level necessary for the unit to deploy. Changes the amount of resources to market. The most impactful change in La Resistance actually happens under the hood given the reworks to occupied countries and occupation forces. Also allows specifying category as license__tech_difference_speed_factor. what is the most common 6 letter word? Modifies the cost of licensed production from the overlord. There is no way to reload definitions of dynamic modifiers via debug mode or console, any changes to their definitions require a game restart to apply in-game. Right now we have launched with 4 nations and I Kaiserreich Features. A modifier's current total value can be received as a variable by reading modifier@modifier_name, such as set_variable = { my_var = modifier@political_power_gain }. Note: You need to use the collaboration government operation early. The relation modifiers apply a targeted modifier from one country towards an another one, automatically removed when the trigger is met. Modifies weekly war support gain of the country depending on the amount of its convoys that have been sunk. hoi4 resistance to occupation. files. This command can be used to either activate the teleportation tool (if no arguments provided), or instantly teleport any selected ships or armies to the province with the specified ID. Dynamic modifiers are added via the add_dynamic_modifier effect. Colonization., Play hoi4 peace conference not triggeringhow many months and days until february 8 2022. how many hours of daylight in autumn. Modifies the casualties when ships are sunk in this region. Modifies the maximum speed of the airforce. The amount of time necessary to justify a wargoal when in a war with a major country. This is used in the menu to strengthen specific countries at the game's start within game rules. Next up, its time to learn about the espionage and spying mechanics introduced in Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance. Modifies the defence of the country's airplanes when on the specified mission. It says I can make, like, a collaboration government in Mozambique with A New Regime thong. Have come back to HOI4 after several months and found the management of occupied territories / states has changed. Modifies the gain of experience by the ships by a percentage. Modifies the amount of the specified resource in the state as an added modifier after the base one. . Added Ayo walmart press and hold selenium Teleports all armies in the specified state if the owner of the armies meets the condition. The strength of anti-air against paratroopers. por. So setting up a collaboration government puts the nation in a civil war-like state? Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in navy leader scope as well as within equipment modules. Modifies the ability of planes to target their objectives when executing naval strikes. The modifiers are updated daily, unless the force_update_dynamic_modifier effect is used to forcefully refresh the impact of modifiers. Is the opposite of naval_invasion_penalty. At this highest level it is possible to create a new subject type "Collaboration Government" directly. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Makes AI more likely to purchase resources from this country. Gives a defense bonus against the armies of the specified country. Changes the bonus to coordination, that is how much damage is done to the primary target instead of being spread out. Make Hearts of Iron 4 look better and run faster Taureor 2 tahun yang lalu. Modifies the chance for the garrison to be penetrated. Some build 40w garrisons, mine are only 12w. First, heres a look at the Low Countries using the resistance map mode. Changes the amount of airforce you can send as volunteers. Modifies the agility of airplanes executing tasks from carriers. They can also be applied to unit leaders. Occupation laws One of the two ways this command can be executed - this will toggle occupation painting. Modifies the amount of resources in a state. (, , ) 2. The default is the Infanterie-Division, but Austrias schnelle Division ist besser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Allowed equipment types are anti_tank_eq, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, and light_tank_eq. Changes the supply grace given to marines. He's also one of only five games journalists from the Philippines. Modifies the amount of divisions that can have a naval invasion plan going on at the same time. They will not have any effect by default and function only as a way to change the variable's value in an additive way with modifier blocks. Modifies the chance for an operative to get the commando trait when hired. Set garrison templates (whole empire or individually by country and province). AI's desire to join the wars led by allies. Changes the maximum amount of special forces by a percentage. Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming planes on the carrier during the battle. Modifies the traffic of carriers at night. Modifies efficiency of close-air-support. Modifies how much experience it costs to add upgrades or modules to a specified equipment archetype. Modifies the chance for us to get a critical hit on the enemy in naval combat. Mod Improved German Opposition for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.10) This mod adds more content to the 'Oppose . Can be a targeted modifier or in unit leader scope. Changes the supply grace period for special forces. Allowed missions are: air_superiority (With doubled air_ in the modifier), close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. The final unlock is "A New Regime". Modifies the daily gain of air experience by a percentage. Increases the effective range of supply nodes. However, unlike Defines, modifiers are dynamically changeable within any modifier block. Reduces the penalty that units take when they run out of supplies. Modifies the defence of the country's airplanes. The default ones and focus tree ones are defined in 00_diplomatic.txt and 00_opinion_modifiers.txt. Every time the level of the national spirit Number with 2 decimal places. This example will set var_name to be equal to the total value of modifier_token_name. Hi guys! Decreases the penalties given by terrain. Modifies the army's organisation by a percentage. To reduce this, you must increase your compliance, or your collaboration. Changes the world tension amount necessary to intervene in an ally's civil war. In a foolish diplomatic move, [From.GetLeader], the leader of the [From.GetAdjective]s has rejected all [Root.GetAdjective] demands! Modifies the repair speed of the specified building in the state. After being defined, they function entirely like a new variable, being possible to read as a variable with the same modifier@modifier_name procedure. Modifies the casualties when ships are damaged in this region. Hi! Changes the chance for a randomly-generated admiral to be female. Changes daily gain of fuel from our controlled oil by a percentage. Modifies the amount of the subject's resources that the overlord can receive via trade. Use state_production_speed_buildings_factor for it to apply to all buildings. Modifies the gain of naval experience by a percentage. opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor. Do a search for HOI4 cheats, and you'll find it. Ledgers are assigned to categories and characters in common/idea_tags and common/ideas. Due to a bug, this will not apply to units that are defending. Disables losing the entrechment bonus during attack. I assume that collaborator governments doesn't get cores on their land? Can also apply in state scope. Check your Decisions panel to form a collaboration government that works in your favor. Cost in political power for the country to guarantee an another country. Changes the cost in political power to send an embargo. Or choose your own. Questions, Paradox Positive values result in it being pushed right, while negatives result in it being pushed left. Information, Frequently Asked Hey there, fellow adventurers! On the wiki it says i need 80% compliance. Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in ace scope. Changes world tension necessary for us to justify against the target country. Stellaris wars should look a litle at how EU4 handles it, Comprehensive Regency Council Titles Suggestion, add Mozarabs as a playable culture in CKIII, to bring back Albanian, Coptic and Dalmatian cultures in CKIII. The spriteType you have defined needs to be defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx similarly to this example: Modifier definitions allow the creation of a custom modifier, which can be accessed as a variable when you wish to use it. Now, its all about balancing resistance vs. compliance. This mod allows you to create a various of new formable nations in Hearts of Iron IV and creates space to make more fun. Changes the amount of legitimacy gained daily. Changes daily gain of legitimacy of the target country. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The bonus to land army's attack against a non-major country. It also includes unique events and news events, starting changes and balance as well as visual changes to the map. Amount of weekly manpower given to the host country. Modifies the damage received by our ships. Modifiers can unfortunately not directly be used in place of triggers or effects (but see this workaround), usually an effect from for example a national focus, would add an idea (national Compartilhe no Twitter! Modifies the damage done to the country's planes by enemy anti-air buildings. Changes opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action for countries of the same ideology by a percentage. Can also go into country scope. /Hearts of Iron IV/common/opinion_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/dynamic_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrystateview.gui, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/difficulty_settings/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifier_definitions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/modifiers_documentation.html, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/operations/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt, PDXCON Changes the attrition supply trucks suffer from. Changes the decription capability of the country by a percentage. / hoi4 tno us presidents guide. Static modifiers are stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifiers/*.txt files, where each code block within is a modifier block with the name being the ID of the static modifier. Modifies the efficiency of the air superiority mission. Modifies the chance to detect enemy planes while on the air superiority mission. Is the old 'flag in a shield' garrison deployment now for garrisoning coasts, ports, etc. Oct 10, 2019 160 511. . Base chance for an air accident to happen. Modifies the total amount of supply the military has. Modifies the chance for the country's ships to retreat after initial combat. Bonus to the starting level of attack in generic unit leaders. This folder is the place where opinion modifiers are defined for the game. Its one of the most jam-packed expansions for the game as mentioned in our official review. Modifies the stability penalty received from participating in an offensive war. How do I do this? They can be applied to both countries and states, in case of the latter, the variable must be defined for the state, not for the country-owner or controller. Once you have enough intel network strength, use the prepare a collaboration government operation. Changes the encryption capability of the country. You are using an out of date browser. Allowed categories are anti_tank_eq, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, and light_tank_eq. Modifies the defence of divisions led by this unit leader if they're exiled and belong to the same country. Modifies the daily gain of army experience. Do a search for HOI4 cheats, and you'll find it. The bonus to land army's defence against a non-major country. Is there a way to counter collaborators? Changes the resistance decay in our occupied states. me on Twitter: me on Twitch: to my second YouTube: @feedbackirlSub to memes channel: @feedbackmemes Watch the whole series: me on Patreon! Foreign Collaboration governments are tracked (much like GiE) from your country screen. Changes the world tension required for an enemy to justify a wargoal on us. me on Patreon! videos. Garrisoned forces will act as a shield first against sabotage attempts, and theyll take losses before resistance damanges infrastructure. What if a nation is in a civil war? (added in 1.9). Modifies the target of the resistance growth. Changes the cost to choose a command ability. Trending News . The closest replica possible of one are dynamic modifiers, which allow using variables.
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