22 (or take an UPGRADE EXAM? Monday July 3 20 is encouraged to attend any of our meetings. 26 Monday July 17 Saturday March 11 9 Address:11 S Main St, Pittsford, NY 14534 (Back Door). 30 Currently, with over 500 active members, we are one of the largest Amateur Radio clubs in North America. Rochester, NEW YORK Amateur, GMRS repeater database showing all open ham repeaters. 8:00pm 9:00pm 19 6 18 Monday February 5 ..If you have an upcoming event or news item that you would like published, Thursday May 25 15 Analog FM voice cannot be used with this repeater. Currently on backup repeater. New York Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 837 New York repeaters in the database. The WMXW 146.82 MHz repeater is owned and operated by the RARC club and provides reliable amateur radio communications for a wide area including Rochester, Olmsted county and southeast Minnesota area. Tuesday July 11 20 8 Tuesday May 9 Rochester, NY. Nate K2NJO. Monday July 10 Thursday September 21 Iowa D-Star Net8:30pm 9:30pmIowa D-Star Net443.850+ or Reflector XLX632ARecurs weekly Friday June 2 In the wide, column you will find news stories in chronological order. Sunday December 10 1 Release your PTT and the repeater will read back, in audio voice, all of the keys that were decoded. Tuesday December 5 Saturday February 3 www.UPSTATEHAM.COM 13 23 Last week Downlink: 146.79000: Uplink: 146.19000: Offset:-0.600 MHz : Uplink Tone: 110.9 : Downlink Tone: 110.9: County: . Thursday April 13 Monday January 1 9:00pm 10:00pm 29 24 . Repeaters for the Rochester area. NET: HF 20m IBM Net11:00am 12:00pmNET: HF 20m IBM Net14.347Mhz USBRecurs weekly Sunday January 14 Sunday September 17 Metropolitan 9 KA2JFU.member and net manager CNYARA, permanet, lost our tower and locationtemp , running our net on MOARC , 145.170, KD2LHN , ED, Have quickly poked around on the site and see no mention of the 146.79 repeater at Highland Hospital in Rochester (WB2ROC). please contact us at upstateham@gmail.com, CNYARA club repeater, Sauquoit 145.21, is off the air.KD2LHN member, The repeater will be back on the air in April. Monday November 6 1 25 THE PREMIER COVERAGE REPEATER. Utility. Upstate NY HAM Radio News & Information: Central New York REPEATER LIST (NEW) Central New York REPEATER LIST (NEW) CNY Repeater List (2015) Some favorite CNY Repeaters from www.UpstateHam.com (updated 12/1/15) (please send additions and corrections to upstateham@gmail.com) * denotes linking to other repeaters Standard Rptr offsets 29 -0.100 Check out our list below: 146.730 - 100.0 Binghamton K2TDV (Ingraham Hill) Linked to Ithaca 146.895 K2ZG 146.865 - 146.2 Maine WA2QEL (E.A. 145.11 Repeater. All Rights Reserved.Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006. 22 We were founded in 1931, and incorporated in September of 1960. 4 Saturday July 29 24 } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Sunday February 18 New York. 10 Thursday February 22 12 !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? 17 Support 145.11. Thursday April 20 Monday August 7 Monday January 15 Tuesday November 28 RaRa provides a unifying focal point for much of the amateur radio activity in Western 18 The repeater is located at an elevated site approximately two miles west of the center of Rochester and uses an inverted antenna at a height of 275 feet AGL on a tower that is 1204 feet AMSL. 20 Saturday September 30 Wednesday August 16 Friday May 5 Monday October 9 Friday February 3 8 18 3 Goes any one know id the 147390 Digital have tone code i hear it but not able to transmit to it I am now to digital George N2ypi 315 697-7351. 2 Friday September 1 7:30pm 8:30pm 25 27 Sunday July 2 I will also try to update old posts with confirmations and updates as I get new information . Thursday October 26 Friday July 28 NET: Dodge County ARES8:30pm 9:00pmNET: Dodge County ARES147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly 14 Tuesday February 28 Wednesday October 25 %PDF-1.7 NET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net8:00pm 9:00pmNET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net3583.5 kHz (Olivia 8/500 mode)Recurs weekly 28 Link Field) PC Users: If you do not have a spreadsheet program to view the CSV file, you can download and install Microsoft Excel Viewer. 6 Friday September 22 6:30pm 7:30pm Wednesday April 19 . Friday August 18 Many If you are not currently a member and want to support RRRA, you can join at our monthly meeting or on this web site by clicking "Join RRRA". Saturday October 14 K2GXT. Oh disregard this! Monday December 4 Search our database by location and band to generate a custom list to your specifications. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. 8:30pm 9:30pm 73! Sunday October 29 Coverage: Northeastern Monroe County, City of Rochester, Note: Looking for new higher location. Minnesota D-Star Net7:30pm 8:30pmMinnesota D-Star NetD-Star Repeater 443.85Mhz or Reflector XLX632ARecurs weekly 26 What happened to the 442.400 repeater? Saturday March 25 Home; Calendar; Repeaters; Forum; . Voting Receivers for Primary repeater: Voting currently offline, Backup (110.9 PL), Stone Rd. NET: HF 10m Rochester Net7:00pm 8:00pmNET: HF 10m Rochester Net28.325 MHz USBRecurs monthly 15 Western and Northern New York HAM Repeater Frequencies Location Help News Headlines Historic Blizzard and Lake Effect Snow Storm: Dec 23-27, 2022 Call for applicants for the Summer 2023 College Student Volunteer Program Fire Weather Zone Changes Coming March 8, 2023 Weather Observer nedeed in Osceola, NY! 7 24 of 1960. Monday December 11 7 2 4 Sunday June 25 17 Monday May 8 Sunday April 9 6 Next week 20 All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377). 7 19 12 Additional club gatherings 22 14 Coverage of grids near and around FN23/FN22. Saturday August 12 Sunday April 30 8 (Ham Radio DX 02/19/2023), Are You Ready for 3Y0J Bouvet Island (FlexRadioSystems 02/05/2023), Worked 3 The repeater works locally fine, but most people used it to access ECR (self included). 20 25 The WEAS 147.255 MHz repeater is owned and operated by Olmsted County Emergency Services. Currently, with over 500 active members, we are one of the largest Amateur Radio clubs in North America. 10 << Monday February 20 Saturday November 4 16 RaRa is the proud producer of the Rochester Hamfest. 26 addy85fe58f08a1c05b4798396fa15ed2414 = addy85fe58f08a1c05b4798396fa15ed2414 + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com'; 19 Upstate NY HAM Radio News & Information Binghamton Area Repeater list A few folks have asked for news on active Binghamton Area Amateur Repeaters. Sunday May 14 A new antenna and feedline was also installed on top of the Mayo Clinic building. Sunday February 11 Monday November 27 23 24 RaRa members, in cooperation with ARES and RACES, provide reliable communications NET: Dodge County ARES8:30pm 9:00pmNET: Dodge County ARES147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly 3 New York: 5 miles: Local: XRX Amateur Radio Club WIRES-X 11704 FUSION DG-ID . 21 Sunday January 7 Tuesday October 24 6 Joy of Ham Radio, the Aluminum Foil Factor and the Lost Thimble (www.bdtonline.com 02/05/2023), Norwich Free Academy Ham Radio Club Connects to Space (www.fox61.com 02/05/2023), Leadership 30 (oYVkkgcq^^4#"7d^!&8 Az3V>]CT1zv_ajW0$Fy8^| 8:30pm 9:30pm This is the primary social repeater for Rochester. Tuesday March 7 Saturday June 3 Monday February 6 It originally included NYC Metro and Long Island, but has expanded to cover eastern New York. ROCHESTER RADIO REPEATER ASSOCIATION, RRRA. 1953 Callsign Awarded. 9 Rochester Radio Repeater Association. 5 Tuesday August 15 7:00pm 8:00pm Saturday February 11 22 Thursday July 13 2 8:30pm 9:00pm Friday January 5 Tuesday November 14 activities to keep interest high and give members the opportunity to become better acquainted. 27 (110.9 PL), Portable (110.9 PL). Ham radio operators with D-Star equipment can use the local repeater function, but in order to use the gateway and talk on the Reflectors, it is necessary toregisterwith the D-Star system. Monthly socials - a great opportunity to meet your friends, and make new ones! Sunday September 10 Tuesday June 27 var x1 = "staff"; 27 Rochester Hamfest is a major club activity attracting international visitors from Canada and Europe. Repeater Main Menu Favorites Add a Repeater Edit a Repeater . Amateur radio WR2ROC 146.79 repeater at Rochester, New York . Friday July 7 Maintained by local volunteers of the amateur radio . Is there any linked repeaters close enough to me ? Click on a header to sort. You can also plot the results on Google Maps. Hosted at Groups.io 31 Wednesday October 11 The current outside temperature at the repeater site will be provided by the repeater in an audio voice. We were founded in 1931, and incorporated in September 10 5 Friday August 25 27 Our Officers and Directors are continually searching for new programs, projects, and fun social Sunday January 28 28 Friday May 12 3 24 The In the. Friday November 24 Tuesday February 14 VE3LYC/MM, Operator Cezar Who is On Board the Ship Bound for Bouvet Island (Robbie Ei2iP-KD2ZZJ 02/05/2023), Did the Pentagon Shoot Down a Harmless Ham Radio Balloon? 18 17 Tuesday August 29 Tuesday April 25 D-PRS information is routed tothe internet and out on 144.390 as well. Sunday June 4 Transportation. 26 Ed Gable will be the Auctioneer. Thursday June 8 4 If there are any problems using the repeater user functions or if the repeater does not appear to be operating correctly, please contactJohn, NHZN. The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. 8 Thursday March 16 Saturday July 15 Saturday September 9 16 Repeater; Meetings; E-Board . - Sunday March 19 The new repeater is currently in operation with a transmitter output power of approximately 100 watts. RaRa also excels in many other areas of amateur endeavor. Thursday May 11 Services. Wednesday June 21 Monday April 17 Tuesday February 6 4 Wednesday March 1 Saturday May 13 Amateur Radio Ham Radio Repeater Map NY New York Amateur Radio Ham Radio Repeaters by State Click to view by location & distance Select State: Number of repeaters found: 873. Monday October 2 If you have any information for the database that you believe needs to be added, deleted or modified, please let us know by Wednesday January 17 Thursday January 18 14 Dan w2txb Member Joined Sep 22, 2006 16 Thursday March 9 LIMARC The Official Web Site of the Long Island Mobile Amatuer Radio Club. Tuesday September 5 in the greater Rochester area. Tuesday April 11 The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. Copyright 2021 Rochester Amateur Radio Club Inc. Echo function allows user to record and play back a sample of received audio of up to 7 seconds. 13 Friday November 17 2 8:30pm 9:00pm Tuesday December 26 Thursday January 25 Sunday November 12 1 19 Wednesday December 6 17 Thursday September 7 Onondaga County Water Authority. Monday November 20 Thursday January 11 RaRa meets regularly on the first Wednesday of every month; our meetings Get Serious with Amateur Radio; Design & Build a Single-Sideband RRRA also accepts donations to the club, click Donate. Buffalo, NY Weather Forecast Office 146.625MHz- PL100 Analog FM/Yaesu System Fusion, 145.670MHz Minnesota Statewide Packet Node MNROC2, 145.710MHz Winlink RF/Internet VARA-FM node W0STV-1, 145.010MHz Winlink RF/Internet PACKET node W0STV-10. NET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net6:30pm 7:30pmNET: Southeast Minnesota Digital Net147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly Weekly Coffee Chat9:00am 10:00amWeekly Coffee ChatRooster's Sports Barn and Grill, 2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901Recurs weekly Tuesday September 19 Tuesday June 20 Sunday December 3 Click any map pin to get details of the repeater (s) at that location. 19 1 Tuesday November 7 New York Repeater Council, Inc. (UNYREPCO), Western DONATE . Thursday July 20 It's been quiet for a while, I believe. 13 Friday September 8 5 2 Wednesday October 18 Friday October 6 Lots We are always looking for helpful information for our fellow radio enthusiasts. NET: HF 10m Rochester Net7:00pm 8:00pmNET: HF 10m Rochester Net28.325 MHz USBRecurs monthly Repeater ID: 36-9710. Sunday March 12 28 6 The Town of Pittsford has re-opened our basement meeting room at the Pittsford Town Hall. 7:30pm 8:30pm 12 Monday February 26 w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Note: There will be no Zoom simulcast during the March auction.Enter this URL to join the scheduled RRRA Zoom meeting.https://L3Harris.zoomgov.com/j/1617992856?pwd=R2xyMzBWTXF0Z055eXQwcmdLc09Odz09There is also a portal if you want to join using your phone, dial: 646 828 7666 US (New York)Meeting ID: 161 799 2856Pass code: 085524The Zoom meeting are scheduled for RRRA by W4JPS: This email address is being protected from spambots. ..If you have an upcoming event or news item that you would like published, NET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net8:00pm 9:00pmNET: HF 80m Minnesota Digital ARES Net3583.5 kHz (Olivia 8/500 mode)Recurs weekly JFIF ` ` C 26 Thursday August 31 Monday February 13 6 Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Friday of the month in the Pittsford Town Hall Basement starting at 7:30 PM. The add, remove, or change a repeater on this list, please contact the RARC Technical Committee. Ham Radio Breakfast6:45am 8:00amHam Radio BreakfastGrandma's Kitchen, 1514 N Broadway Ave, Rochester, MN 55906Recurs weekly Ham Radio Repeater Club in Rochester New York! Tuesday July 25 14 Wednesday November 22 Tuesday December 19 The June testing session is held 17 Thursday November 30 3 2 Link to the Net schedule: http://www.upstateham.com/p/some-upstae-ny-nets.html, (the list was getting big, so we gave it it's own page), Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner. Wednesday February 28 19 Sunday July 16 (If you need help, we can even help you with final edits to make it look "pretty". Sunday March 26 1 23 Wednesday March 8 8:00pm 9:00pm 23 Friday January 12 Wednesday January 10 Saturday December 16 Tuesday April 4 31 Saturday Copyright 2006-2023 RepeaterBook.com. include our Rochester Hamfest, summer family picnic, fall banquet, and winter cabin party. Friday December 29 Maintained by local volunteers of the amateur radio community, our data entry team instantly enters all changes and additions directly into the master database. Thursday April 27 7 Managing repeater and NET frequencies was a tough problem for me. 28 10 4 4 Next meeting will be March 17 at 7:30. 14 Monday April 3 24 12 NET: HF 10m Rochester Net7:00pm 8:00pmNET: HF 10m Rochester Net28.325 MHz USBRecurs monthly Tuesday January 23 14 4 9 awareness and goodwill towards Amateur Radio, provide needed communications to worthy charities and non-profit organizations, practical and fun for the whole family. http://www.upstateham.com/2018/08/larc-evaluation-dmr-repeater-is-on-air.html, February License Training - Bear Bait Radio Club, CNY/Finger Lakes Repeater list (August 2021), CNYICC Public Service communications network for CNY, Monday Night Hobby Net/Ham News (146.67) resources. Enter the 725 control code followed by a * key. Tuesday June 6 Monthly Club Social5:30pm 7:00pmMonthly Club SocialCharlies Eatery & Pub, 1408 2nd St SW, Rochester, MNRecurs monthly 21 11 Thursday
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