examples of persuasive communication in academic contexts

Analyze what makes this example effective and consider the expectations for professional communication in your field. Emotions lose their persuasive effect more quickly than other types of persuasive appeals. In short, when new information clashes with previously held information, there is an unpleasantness that results, as we have to try to reconcile the difference. Rewards can be used for positive motivation, and the threat of punishment or negative consequences can be used for negative motivation. Public advocacy speaking occurs mostly in civic contexts and engages people through responsible communication that invites others to listen to diverging viewpoints in a critical and compassionate way to promote social change. Get expert's help! You may have even taken an online course or may be taking this class online. The amount of research and information available about online teaching and learning has increased dramatically in recent years, so there is much more information that isnt included here. This program would be ideal for individuals including: Senior leaders in the public sector Educating prisoners can benefit inmates, those who work in prisons, and society at large. We achieve our highest potential through things that are individual to us, and these are often things that we protect from outsiders. You can see a video example of how this organization effectively uses fear appeals in Video 11.1. In this course, you will focus on developing persuasive skills in scholarly writing contexts by developing a clear thesis, seeking research to understand and prove an issue, and presenting a clear argument for change. Positive and negative motivation are common persuasive strategies used by teachers, parents, and public speakers. All rights reserved. Foley, R. (2004). Unfortunately, some sources of persuasive messages are more concerned with their own gain than the well-being of others and may take advantage of peoples insecurities in order to advance their persuasive message. Much of the presentation in technical courses will be data driven, which is informative. Dynamic speakers develop credibility through their delivery skills. The statistic is followed by safety tips to empower the audience to address the threat. Knowing what counts as credible data for each type of research is an important part of speaking in the social sciences. Ethos, or credibility, is composed of three dimensions: competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism. Analyze what makes this example effective and consider how academic persuasion differs from other contexts. Team projects are common in technical courses, especially in courses related to design, so being able to work effectively in groups and present information as a group is important. Communication in an academic context. Academic communication involves presenting ideas effectively and formally in a scholastic environment. For instance, if the parent of a schoolchild puts up a social media post highlighting the need for sidewalks near the school so as to ensure safety for his or her kids, it would classify as a personal persuasive communication. Narrow your presentation down to an introduction, an interrogation of a main question, and a concluding take-home message. Physiological needs form the base of the hierarchy of needs. We also learned an organizational pattern based on theories of motivation: Monroes Motivated Sequence. Paragraph 2 Academic communication can include the words and structures used to express ideas, as well as the methods by which ideas are disseminated. An example of persuasive communication in the personal context would be a social media post. What's the Salary of an Audiologist's Assistant? What courses do you think would translate well to an online environment? Research shows that messages are more persuasive when arguments and their warrants are made explicit (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). If students/trainees are not actively participating, you can have them write a brief response first, then share it with a neighbor, then come back to group discussion. Which Schools Offer Communications Degrees in the Columbus, OH Area? Fordham University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Speakers appeal to pathos by. What's the Salary for a College Graduate with an Online Degree? Which Oregon Universities Offer a Communications Major? You can find academic information disseminated in such places as scientific journals, newsgroups, online course management systems and research libraries. This could be an essay you wrote for a class, an article you read, or a discussion post. Instead, ethical speakers should use appeals to self-esteem that focus on prosperity, contribution, and attractiveness in ways that empower listeners. Logos refers to the reasoning or logic of an argument. Logos refers to the reasoning or logic of an argument. Explain the relationship between motivation and appeals to needs as persuasive strategies. Students could also organize a debate against students on the outside, which could allow the prisoners to interact (face-to-face or virtually) with other students and allow them to be recognized for their academic abilities. The take-home message should be related to the main question, perhaps even answer it, as this provides a logical flow for the presentation. Identify an additional place where you can access the Internet if necessary. Even at communication conferences, where presenters definitely know better, Ive seen people try to speed read their way through a ten- to twelve-page paper because they could only bring themselves to cut it down by half. He used the formal writing style and avoided colloquial words and contractions to follow the ethical guidelines (Khazaei, Lu, & Mercer, 2017). Immediacy behaviors are verbal and nonverbal communication patterns that indicate a teachers approachability. Evidence, also called grounds, supports the claim. (2011). In each of these cases, students will be evaluated on their ability to present content in a progressive way that builds new knowledge from existing knowledge, interact with their audience (students or trainees), and connect their content to the bigger picture or the overarching objectives for the lesson and course. The need for public speaking skills extends beyond this classroom to other parts of academia but will vary based on your discipline. Students are often asked to think of a classroom presentation as a simulation of a speaking situation they may encounter in their desired career. A student in a social work class may be asked to investigate policies in urban areas related to homeless youth. Ethos refers to the credibility of a speaker and includes three dimensions: competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism. Do you think you are easily persuaded? What are the benefits of inmates getting GEDs? English as a Second Language (ESL) learners and students with unique learning, speech or hearing needs might require intensive instruction in academic communication. The most effective persuasive messages are those that present two sides of an argument and refute the opposing side, followed by single argument messages, followed by messages that present counterarguments but do not refute them (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). List at least one example of how the speaker utilizes cognitive dissonance. Research in these fields is based more on existing texts and sources rather than data created through original research as in the sciences and social sciences. Mary Fishers speech at the 1992 Republican National Convention, A Whisper of AIDS, is one of the most moving and powerful speeches of the past few decades. Ethos relates to the credibility of a speaker. Speakers appeal to logos by presenting factual objective information, using sound reasoning, and avoiding logical fallacies. If so, compare and contrast the advice they offer with the advice in this chapter. According to statistics from 2010, as cited in the. Bayer, T., Karen Curto, and Charity Kriley, Acquiring Expertise in Discipline-Specific Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Exercise in Learning to Speak Biology, Across the Disciplines: A Journal of Language, Learning, and Academic Writing 2 (2005), accessed March 15, 2012, http://wac.colostate.edu/atd/articles/bayer_curto_kriley2005.cfm. Communication in the Real World by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Grand Canyon University responds quickly to information requests through this website. The Common Core State Standards (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010) feature argumentative writing across the curriculum in grades 4 through 12, yet little is known about how young adolescents develop the challenging advanced language and literacy skills needed for these tasks. Additional emphasis on topics such as ethics, culture, gender, and technology is found throughout the . Southern New Hampshire University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Credibility and relevance: While researching this topic, my eyes were opened up to how much an education can truly affect a prisoner, and given my desire to be a teacher, I am invested in preserving the right to learn for everyone, even if they are behind bars. Explain how speakers appeal to logos and pathos. When planning a presentation at an academic conference, you should spend time creating a sexy and descriptive title. In these cases, academic communication refers to the methods in which ideas are distributed among scholars or students. A frequent complaint about conference presentations stems from speakers who try to cram too much information into their ten-minute time slot. An example of professional persuasive communication is my uncle's email to the manager suggesting a more convenient data storage method in cloud applications. Purdue University Global responds quickly to information requests through this website. What could you say that would appeal to their safety needs? Draw connections to concepts from the Module 1 reading. If youve studied music, you probably know what dissonance is. Some population-specific areas of study that wouldnt be covered in a typical classroom include drug treatment and anger management. Teachers who are more skilled at expressing immediacy receive higher evaluations, and their students learn more (Richmond, Lane, & McCroskey, 2006). Paragraph 1 Describe an example of persuasive communication in a personal context. The goal is to get the attention of audience members and compel them to check out the information the organization provides. Which Illinois Schools Offer Communications Degrees? Draw connections to concepts from the Unit 1 and 2 Reading. Think of how stirring Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech was due to his ability to evoke the emotions of the audience. communication strategies in a variety of contexts. In line with the concept of mobile learning in English Language Teaching (ELT), the aim of this research is to explore how Iranian ELT practitioners take advantage of social media to propose supportive and impactful language learning programs by adhering to persuasive linguistic devices. The arts and humanities also engage in criticism more than other fields. This type of presentation involves researching current and proposed legislation and may involve comparing and contrasting policies in one area with policies in another. two main research questions: (a) in line with the literature concerning persuasive communication, what were the main variables that social advertising concerning health attitudes and behaviors relied Create a frequently asked questions document that addresses common areas of concern for students, and allow students to pose new questions so you can add them to the document. Good discussion questions usually contain a sentence or two that sets up the context for the question. Trustworthiness refers to the degree that audience members perceive a speaker to be presenting accurate, credible information in a nonmanipulative way. Their self-esteem needs. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) For instance, there is a letter of an employee to a top manager to reveal the existing problem with the software. Combining negative motivation and safety needs depends on using some degree of fear as a motivator. The top-nine reasons to increase correctional education programs. Copyright 2003-2023 Unfortunately, charisma is difficult to intentionally develop, and some people seem to have a naturally charismatic personality, while others do not. Professional men and women use communication for getting ahead, resolving interpersonal conflicts and working collaboratively with others to achieve unified goals. The third tier should include a curriculum based on the general education learning goals found at most colleges and universities and/or vocational training. (New York: Longman, 2001), 342. Immediacy behaviors are important for lecturing, facilitating, and interacting with students or trainees one-on-one. Frequently, students in the arts and humanities are asked to connect a work of art, a literary work, a philosophy, or a historical event to their own lives and/or to present day society. These programs focus on the importance of writing and speaking skills for further academic, professional, and civic development. Explain how cognitive dissonance works as a persuasive strategy. This is what the speaker wants the audience to have memorized by the end of the speech. Students are also asked to paraphrase and synthesize existing texts and connect past art or literature to contemporary society. Do they have any advice listed for presenting at their conference? What Are My Career Options in Physical Education? Behan, C. (2007). This could be a memo, email, presentation, or professional conversation. List at least one example of how the speaker appeals to social needs. Many prisoners have levels of educational attainment that are far below those in the general population. Speakers appeal to logos by. Some speakers attempt to appeal to self-actualization needs, but I argue that this is difficult to do ethically. - Identify the parts of the rhetorical situation. Put content that you are excited about in lectures. We satisfy our safety needs when we work to preserve our safety and the safety of our loved ones. We will learn about nine persuasive strategies that you can use to more effectively influence audience members' beliefs, attitudes, and values. Of course, people cant avoid dissonant information forever, so multiple attempts at creating cognitive dissonance can actually result in thought or behavior modification. Therefore conference presenters must use their editing skills to cut their papers down to fit their time limit. The closer the needs are to the base, the more important they are for human survival. Your school may very well have a communication across the curriculum program that includes requirements for foundational speaking and writing skills that are then built on in later classes. The papers that are submitted for review for the conference are usually about twenty-five to thirty pages long. You want something sexy, meaning that it gets peoples attention and connects to a current and relevant topic, and descriptive, so that people can get a sense for what the presentation will include. They furthermore might need to adapt to new forms of academic communication, such as the use of e-mail to communicate with instructors or the need to cite online articles. The article notes that even prisoners who have attended or even graduated from college may benefit from education, as they can pursue specialized courses or certifications. Since emotions are often reactionary, they fade relatively quickly when a person is removed from the provoking situation (Fletcher, 2001). Set a schedule and keep to it. Additionally, its very difficult to anticipate how many people will attend your conference sessionit may be forty, or two. What is the American Heart Association CPR Certification? The purpose of this qualitative case study is to investigate the most common communication problems from the views of faculty members at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Many students make a mistake of simply summarizing articles in a literature review. Which Schools Offer Graphic Design Degrees near Indianapolis? Although based in psychology, such persuasive strategies are regularly employed and researched in communication due to their role in advertising, marketing, politics, and interpersonal relationships. Draw on practical examples within your research to: Expand your perspective Explain tricky ideas & information Speakers can also appeal to logos by citing personal experience and providing the credentials and/or qualifications of sources of information (Cooper & Nothstine, 1996). Students will also be evaluated on nonverbal immediacy behaviors. A publicly supported radio station may persuade listeners to donate money to the station by highlighting a potential contribution to society. The brochure was produced by an organization called Kids and Cars, whose tagline is Love them, protect them. While the cover of the brochure was designed to provoke the receiver and compel them to open the brochure, the information inside met the ethical guidelines for using fear appeals. Learn some effective techniques to use statistics and evidence in your persuasive speech, and see some examples from different topics and contexts. Academic communication, also called scholarly communication, refers to methods of communication that are highly structured and generally only used in pedagogical settings. Steurer, S. J., Linton, J., Nally, J., & Lockwood, S. (2010). This could be an essay you wrote for a class, an article you read, or a discussion post. Cognitive dissonance may lead a person to be persuaded, but there are other ways that people may cope with dissonance, such as by discrediting the speaker, seeking out alternative information, avoiding sources of dissonance, or reinterpreting the information. They are ethos, logos, pathos, positive motivation, negative motivation, cognitive dissonance, appeal to safety needs, appeal to social needs, and appeal to self-esteem needs. The first tier of the education program should focus on remediation and basic skills, which is the most common form of prisoner education as noted by Foley and Gao in their 2004 article from the. Teachers and trainers also need to be able to translate content into relevant examples and present for long periods of time, adapting as they go to fit the changing class dynamics. Since technology is the primary channel for your learning, plan ahead for how you will deal with technological failures. Persuasive messages are symbolic (using words, images, and sounds) and may be transmitted verbally or nonverbally, via media or face-to-face communication. More recently, persuasive strategies have been identified based on theories and evidence related to human psychology. Their social needs? Using concrete and descriptive examples can paint a picture in your audience members minds. More recently, persuasive strategies have been identified based on theories and evidence related to human psychology. Want to create or adapt books like this? Dont have everything for the whole semester visible, as it can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. More resources for online teaching and learning can be found at the following link: http://www.eiu.edu/adulted/online_tips.php. Emotional appeals are also difficult for some because they require honed delivery skills and the ability to use words powerfully and dramatically. Mettamatt Smoking ad campaign CC BY-SA 2.0. Ethos, logos, and pathos were Aristotles three forms of rhetorical proof, meaning they were primary to his theories of persuasion. Which Schools Offer Communications Degrees in the San Jos, CA Area? Analyze what makes this example effective and consider the expectations for professional communication in your field. In most cases, the instructor and individual students can do their class work at different times rather than all together at scheduled times. Keep all your course documents backed up on a thumb drive so you can do course work on the go on computers other than your own. List at least one example of how the speaker uses negative motivation. Maslows hierarchy of needs states that there are several layers of needs that human beings pursue. The fourth tier includes training in social and life skills that most people learn through family and peer connections, which many prisoners may not have had. In any case, presentations in the social sciences may be informative or persuasive but should be socially relevant and research based. When a scholar needs to publish a new discovery, or your teacher needs to inform you of the resources that you can use for a homework assignment, they must use a particular channel of communication. Dont wait for end-of-semester evaluations. Some presentations may focus more on results while others focus more on a method or procedure, so its important to know what the expectations for the presentation are. Speaking in education/training and development involves students delivering a lecture, facilitating a discussion, or running an activity as if they were actually teaching or training. A speech full of facts and statistics appealing to logos would result in information overload.

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examples of persuasive communication in academic contexts