To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. At first, it was suspected by the scientists that this mysterious dome structure could be Sastrugi- sharp grooves formed on snow by strong winds.However, interestingly, this phenomena generally has a short, sharp, edges and the mystery structure appears to be oval. NmNjNmVkYzk5YjgzYjM3OGRjNzA0ZDFhMTE4ODgyMGM2MTlkYzUyMWZmNzdl Conspiracy theorists went wild earlier this year when a video claiming to be from the lost city emerged. Y2Q1NDc3Mjc4YzFjZjc1YzM2ZDFjMTJhYjg2NmRiMjU5ZDdkNTBkMWMzNTM5 Though the rumors of a lost ancient civilization underneath the ice have been circulating for years, these claims came forward only a few months after a huge pyramid-like shape was found in the icy continent. 4 - The Almost South Pole Station. Does melting snow reveal ancient human settlement in Antarctica? February 16, 2021 11:29 am. Dr Salla said: There has been extensive research done on pyramids throughout the world, in terms of their structure and what is they really are. Their new study shows that combining satellite and aeromagnetic data provides a key missing link to connect Antarcticas hidden geology with formerly adjacent continents, namely Australia, India and South Africa keystones of Gondwana. You can unsubscribe at any time. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. OWY2NGFlNGZiZjNhOWMzZmExMjYyY2VlNTM0Njg1NjY5YjljN2ZiOTI5MWM4 2K. But how is this possible? In this instance, Swarms magnetic data have played a starring role.. Only when we put them together with satellite magnetic data, can we see the full picture.. That separation created the Antarctic circumpolar current that effectively isolated the continent from the others. The photos and related articles are availablehere,and here. Working in dwindling light just before Antarctica's first sunset of the year in mid-February, a team led by geologist Scott Amundsen of Wyoming State University came across the rubble of a stone building roughly the size of Rome's ancient amphitheater. Could these be authentic man-made pyramids created by an ancient civilization? The find, announced at a press conference here today, is the first evidence of ancient civilization on the icy continent and is being hailed as one of the most important archaeological digs of the century. 2021 - 05:05. YzY4NjdhMGU0MjNiOWY5YzVmOGI0NTRlMDJlMmM2ZWYxNTExOWU5YzlmNDMw The extent of their mapping of the continent is seemingly more advanced than early cartographers were capable of creating. I only saw him once in the rooms that we do the meetings. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering. The resulting combined datasets provide a new tool for the international scientific community to study the cryptic sub-ice geology of Antarctica, including its influence on the overlying ice sheets. OGJjOTk3NDUzMTYwNzFkNGQyMzY0MzMyYjliYTYxYWUzNTUyODY4YjU5MWZi One of the most controversial maps was without a doubt composed in 1513, by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis who drew a map that would create a global debate over 500 years after him. is it a natural formation or something more complicated? OThlZGMxZDI2NjE5ZGIxZDI3NDRjMGQ0YTUwODUyZWM2ZTQ5ZTcyMzUyYzE4 Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). However, not everyone who saw the Ancient Aliens episode was convinced by the wild theories presented. The next footage shows ancient ruins, a megalithic structure as well as a complex city including a structure in the shape of a swastika including other buildings at Antarctica which are only visible from Space as these spots have been blacked out in Google Earth and Google Maps. Unveiling The Strange Link Between Men In Black And The HOLLOW EARTH, USS Stein Was Attacked By A Strage 46 Meter Huge Sea Creature In 1978, Scientists Say They Can Go Back In Time In A Quantum System: We Have Made Science Fiction Real!, Tulli Papyrus: An Ancient Document That Reveals Flying Fiery Disks Described By A Pharaoh. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ZjI4MTU0YjBhNTVkMGRlNjdlMWM5MTA1NGFiYTYwNjEyYzlkMGJlYzNmYjhi Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. BYPASS THE CENSORS For the first time, an international team of scientists has used magnetic data from ESA's Swarm satellite mission together with aeromagnetic data to help reveal the mysteries of the geology hidden beneath Antarctica's kilometres-thick ice sheets, and link Antarctica better to its former neighbours. Or rather, the remains of one that had been damaged by a glacier. On December 26, 2021, my US Army source,JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them. Antarctica pyramids claim: 'Oldest pyramid on Earth' is hidden on icy continent THE oldest pyramids on Earth are hidden away under the deep cold snow of Antarctica, conspiracy theorists have. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. Gondwana was an amalgam of continents that incorporated South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, India, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica. June and July when the submarines were claimed to be in Antarctica are the depths of winter there. These were being investigated in joint missions with various Earth nations, including China. JP is keeping his name and physical appearance confidential to preserve his career, but is encouraging other former or serving US military personnel to come forward to share their own extraterrestrial related experiences. A US Navy SEALs mission is also a clue to the said newly discovered ruins. MmYzNTA1MGE5OGRhYzIyYzQ4NTYwNWNjZDFhMDRlZWVmNjY5ODlhMWU2Mzk1 2 - The Hole at the Pole. MTk5NzM5YjY4ZTk0NGNkN2Y4M2FkNjNkY2M2OGM5Y2E1ZmVmZGU1ZjNjNjJh 10% savings cannot be combined with any other offer. MThmOGFmYTkyMTY4ZTdkYTA1MjVjOWRhNWFjOWNlYTE0MWY3NDFhMTY1NmJj MWIwZGNhYWVjN2QyMTg3NTAzYzkiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIyMDAxOWIwNzYz UU., revela mdico forense, Podra haber cuatro quintillones de naves extraterrestres en nuestro sistema solar, Mosc declara alto secreto la misteriosa anomala del mar Bltico, They discover a strange underground staircase in the Ruins of Giza, Navy Astronaut and 6th Man on the Moon Believed in Alien Intervention, Huge EXTRATERRESTRIAL SPACESHIP photographed by NASA in orbit near the EARTH, Non-Human Entities and Wholeness and the Implicate Order, When UFOs and Top Secret Experiments Cross the Same Paths, Declassified documents reveal Project Horizon: The Lunar Outpost of the US Army. MzdlODE5ZWFjOTBiMGU5MTIwYzhiNDk1Mzg2NjA1YzQ1ZjdhM2Q0MmQ1YjQx Historian and cartographer at the University of Cambridge, Christopher Adam, said: One of histories most puzzling maps is that of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD which successfully mapped the coastline of Antarctica over 500 years ago. One scientific theory claims that once upon a time Antarctica was ice-free and home to an ancient civilisation. ZmRlNzJhNmNiMmU0N2IxMjA1OGJiMWRkZGQzYTQ4ZWYzNTdmODcyOWE4ZTFk Says Joe Konyu of the Southwest Archaeological Institute, "Forget Noah's Ark and Atlantis: this is as good as it gets.". Satellite images from NASA show a possible human settlement some 2.3 kilometres beneath the icy surface. AFP PHOTO ANTAKYA, Turkey: The smashed dome of the ancient mosque, regarded as Turkey's oldest, covers rubble that used to be a prayer hall. It appeared to show extensive ancient ruins hidden in the ice, and was a video supposedly left behind by a California TV crew who have been missing since 2002. NDdkN2IxMmVhMTRlZWEzYTdiOWI0NWU2MGFmYzk2Y2U1N2M0ZDQ5MWQ1NThh This leads me to conclude that the structure found in the Google Earth images may well beancient Antarctic ruins, significantly larger than those found at Machu Pichu, which was previously used by the German Dark Fleet and is now under the control of an Earth Alliance led by US Space Command. He said: If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet and in fact, it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to look like., READ MORE:US submarines detect mysterious speeding objects underwater. Rumours of a hidden city underneath the ice have been circulating for years. UFO hunters believe they have spotted a mile-long spaceship near ISS, Dinosaur discovery shakes up theory of evolution, claims Bible expert, Antarctica pyramids: Conspiracists believe in ancient pyramids hidden around the world, Antarctica pyramids: David Childress said it could be the oldest pyramid on Earth, Watch the moment man 'shoots up' into the sky in 'alien abduction'. The structure is an old tectonic boundary . OTY1NDRjZDU3NjdiZjg0YWNmMWMyMDZiNjk0MGJhNGM3MTQxOTM0YmQ4ZWJl The map was unexpectedly discovered in a library Constantinople in 1929. A city-sized base was built there, called "Base 22 or New Berlin", and supposedly was home to not only Nazis but also the Illuminati. . A Historic Site or Monument (HSM) is a protected location of historic interest on the continent of Antarctica, or on its adjacent islands.The list of historic sites was first drawn up in 1972, and has since expanded to cover 95 sites, with the most recent listed in 2021. "Previous researchers could have easily missed it," Amundsen says. The tail of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur was found entombed in amber in 2016, an unprecedented discovery that has blown away scientists. Meaning that a society could have existed and lived there before the last ice age which eventually froze the continent. This is an area that was claimed byHitlersThird Reichand where anAntarctic Colony,Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2. As the tectonic plates collided in the Precambrian and early Cambrian times some 600500 million years ago, they built huge mountain ranges comparable to the modern Himalayas and Alps. OGNhMDQ5YWMzYjYzMTU2NGY2YzBjMTZmMjczMGE4NjRkNGE3NjU1NjViNjBj NmQ2NDZjMjQ1MzA2ZmI5MmJmM2EzNDk2MDRhMTAzMjAyM2Q0YWJmOGNiMWNm Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. Each region boasts its own unique culinary heritage, allowing . Today, it is home to a colony of feral cats. It is possible that the ruins were recently handed over to the US military by China. The GREAT GUN GRAB of 2021 Begins! Not quite, say geologists. Just last week scientists discovered a massive object lurking beneath frozen wasteland in Antarctica. The mission had 3 task forces that were sent out in different directions and was to last 6-8 months A slight pole shift or displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth in historical times is possibly the only rational explanation that comes to mind but we definitely need more research done before we jump to any conclusion.. and elsewhere in our solar system. The huge and mysterious "anomaly" stretches for 151 miles across and could be buried 848 metres underneath the land. An ancient rocky structure found at the heart of the Ross ice shelf helps determine where Antarctica's ice melts and where it stays firm and frozen. Researchers were baffled by the discovery, which some people claim could be a evidence hidden civilisation with "traces of a human settlement underneath the ice" revealed in photographs released by Nasa.
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