allegiance metaphor examples

You check your car's oil level and tire pressure. Throughout Northern Nigeria all chiefs, Mahommedan and Pagan, now hold their appointments under the British crown and take the oath of allegiance to the British sovereign. Thus some arose who declared allegiance to the idealistic intuitionalism of Wang Yang-ming, and others advocated direct study of the works of Confucius and Mencius. How could a pope make war on Austria, the one power that had never faltered in its allegiance to the Church? Tagged: Metaphor Examples, spokes, Abandoned, Brain "I will tell you what she was like. Upon the bishop having satisfied himself of the sufficiency of the clerk, he proceeds to institute him to the spiritual office to which the benefice is annexed, but before such institution can take place, the clerk is required to make a declaration of assent to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion and to the Book of Common Prayer according to a form prescribed in the Clerical Subscription Act 1865, to make a declaration against simony in accordance with that act, and to take and subscribe the oath of allegiance according to the form in the Promissory Oaths Act 1868. when it joined the revolted Samnites. This is a list of some best examples of metaphors: Love is a battlefield. allegiance metaphor exampleslake weiss camper lots for rentlake weiss camper lots for rent Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. For a time it looked as if the supremacy of the Wahhabi empire was to be renewed; El Hasa, Harik, Kasim and Asir returned to their allegiance, but over Oman and Yemen Fesal never re-established his dominion, and the Bahrein sheiks with British support kept their independence. Since all you need to do is to add in two objects to . Other Guebres occupied themselves privately with the collection of these traditions; and, when a prince of Persian origin, Yakub ibn Laith, founder of the Saffarid dynasty, succeeded in throwing off his allegiance to the caliphate, he at once set about continuing the work of his illustrious predecessors. He now openly assumed the title of caliph and invited men to take the oath of allegiance. As contrasted with the colossal display of power on the part of the Church of Rome, it must be allowed that the churches which in the 16th century broke off from their allegiance to the Latin centre at first showed no great anxiety for the extension of the gospel and the salvation of the heathen. Some strongly condemned the clause justifying renunciation of allegiance, as tending to treason and anarchy. The Irish parliament will have to swear allegiance to the British crown. Heart of stone: Cruel or stern nature My teacher has a heart of stone. It was the age of the great schism, three popes claiming the allegiance of Christendom, and of the councils of Constance and of Basel; in all ranks of the Church there was an urgent cry for reform. The main difference was in the attitude to the Roman allegiance and to the sacramentarian system. But he never wavered in his allegiance to Vespasian, whose favour he retained in spite of his arrogance. Instead, it uses a word in a kind of comparison. Metaphor Example #9. A metaphor makes a qualitative leap from a reasonable, perhaps prosaic, comparison to an identification or fusion of two objects, the intention being to create one new entity that partakes of the . Their example, 'Time is running out' is a metaphor because time can't literally run but it can feeling like it is flowing quickly along like someone running. Examples of this include when we talk and think about life in terms of journeys, about arguments in terms of war, about love also in terms of journeys, about theories in terms of buildings, about ideas in terms of food, about social organizations in terms of plants, and many others. 9. Early bird: The metaphor "early bird" describes a person who wakes early in the morning. Plato imagines humans living in a cave and can only see objects as shadows reflected on the wall from a fire inside the cave, rather than seeing them directly. Metaphors work best when they connect abstract concepts to something common that readers already understand well. (Chuck Palahniuk) Each friend represents a world in us. Some of these owed a very shaky allegiance to the new republic. In the matter of the estimation of their relative strength the main grievance of the Nonconformists is that the law classes as members of the Church of England that enormous floating population which is really conscious of no ecclesiastical allegiance at all. Biblical allegory examples in literature include: John Bunyan's, The Pilgrim's Progress William Golding's, Lord of the Flies C.S. It makes the citizen recognize his allegiance to the power which represents the unity of the nation; and it avoids the necessity of calling upon the state to enforce obedience to Federal authority, for a state might possibly be weak or dilatory, or even itself inclined to disobedience. On every cliff and tomb; And on the bleached bones. In 1820 the Spanish constitution was duly sworn to in California, and in 1822 allegiance was given to Mexico. We've a lot more metaphor examples to share with you. Mr Steyn had gone to Europe at the close of the war and did not take the oath of allegiance to the British Crown until the autumn of 1904. Here is an example of how a metaphor might look in a business document: Option 1 is throwing the pilot from a stricken aircraft to make it lighter. In France an alien desiring naturalization, if he has not resided continuously in the country for ten years, must obtain permission to establish his domicile in France; three years after (in special cases one year) he is entitled to apply for naturalization, which involves the renunciation of any existing allegiance. So far as concerns the residue of powers unallotted to the central or federal authority, the separate states retain unimpaired their individual sovereignty, and the citizens of a federation consequently owe a double allegiance, one to the state, and the other to the federal government. "Dead as a doornail" has been around for long enough that you know this means "very, super dead," even if you have no clue what a doornail has to do with it. Wiseman was able to use considerable influence with English politicians, partly because in his day English Catholics were wavering in their historical allegiance to the Liberal party. These districts were then occupied by the Frisians under their king, Rathbod, who gave allegiance to Pippin of Herstal. Jomhur was the first to pass over to the Khawarij; then Ibn Omar himself took the oath of allegiance. Oliver Twist: Metaphor Analysis Bulls-Eye: Mr. Sikes' little white dog is really a metaphor for his own evil personality. Use simple metaphor examples. 8. He feels very uncomfortable in a situation. Deines draws on the designations within the pages of the New Testament to define Pharisaism as allegiance to Judaism in its 'best form ' . Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. He was careful to proclaim his allegiance to President Karzai, and affirmed that he would send more money to the center if they needed it. In 1860 a new prince, owning allegiance to the Dutch, was set up. So every metaphor has a source domain, the actual world, and a target domain, the imagined world. Then the perilous path was planted: And a river and a spring. She was fairly certain that life was a fashion show. It is important to remember that these two things are different, especially when writing or creating a poem. In 1800 its tsar, George, son and successor of Heraclius, notwithstanding his former professions of allegiance to the shah, renounced his crown in favor of the Russian emperor. The Fatimite caliph 'Obaidallah (see Fatimites), to whom Abu Tahir professed allegiance, publicly wrote to him to restore the stone, but there is some reason to believe that he secretly encouraged him to retain it. In particular, a metaphor that has become a dead metaphor. "The sun was a toddler insistently refusing to go to bed: It was past eight thirty and still light.". Example 2. The natives have also a remedy against the aggression of their rulers in their own hands; it is called Metilas, consists in a general rising and renunciation of allegiance, and proves mostly successful. Kant's Logic. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. But Abu Jahm, on the instructions of Abu Moslim, declared to the chief officers of the Khorasanian army that the Mandi was in their midst, and brought them to Abu`1-Abbas, to whom they swore allegiance. The prince of Gwynedd henceforth considered himself as a sovereign, independent, but owing a personal allegiance to the king of England, and it was to obtain a recognition of his rights as such that Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, " the Great," consistently strove under three English kings, and though his resources were small, it seemed for a time as though he might be able by uniting his countrymen to place the recognized autonomy of Gwynedd on a firm and enduring basis. And, amid many shiftings of allegiance, Ataulphus seems never to have wholly given up the position of an ally of the Empire. In 153 Alexander Balas withdrew Jonathan from his allegiance to Demetrius by the offer of the high-priesthood. Examples of Popular Metaphors "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." - William Shakespeare " I am the good shepherdand I lay down my life for the sheep." - The Bible, John 10:14-15 "All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind." - Khalil Gibran The whole of the Prussian military system, inciuding not only the obligation to military service, but the rules for recruiting, organization, drill and uniforms, has to be followed in all the states; all the contingents are under the command of the emperor, and the soldiers have to swear obedience to him in addition to the oath of allegiance to their own sovereign. Clearly, love is not a literal battlefield. It maintained its allegiance to Rome till 309 B.C. "I'm oxygen and he's dying to breathe.". Metaphor Examples for Intermediate Readers The slashes indicate line breaks. "People say that eyes are windows to the soul.". If these situations can with difficulty find a place in our picture of Solomon's might, it is clear that some of them form the natural introduction to the subsequent history, when his death brought internal discontent to a head, when the north under Jeroboam refused allegiance to the south, and when the divided monarchy enters upon its eventful career by the side of the independent states of Edom, Damascus and Phoenicia. Energetically making use of this period of respite, he again issued the charter to the church, ordered his subjects to take a fresh oath of allegiance to him, and sent to the pope for aid; but neither these precautions, nor his expedient of taking the cross, deterred the barons from returning to the attack. In1693-1694the kirk was much irritated by William's demands for oaths of allegiance to himself, without the consent of the ecclesiastical courts. He took little part in, though he probably sympathized with, the debates on the measure known as the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, whereby the state enforced its authority over the church to the detriment of its allegiance to the pope. In the West, meanwhile, the growth of the power of the papacy had tended more and more to the interpretation of the word " catholic " as implying communion with, and obedience to, the see of Rome (see Papacy); the churches of the East, no less than the heretical sects of the West, by repudiating this allegiance, had ceased to be Catholic. (2) : the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides 2 : devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause Forming at once a church and a nation, they own allegiance to their hereditary patriarch, Mar Shimun, Catholicus of the East, who resides at Qudshanis, a village about 7000 ft. His loyalty to King George (son of Ernst August) would not permit him to take the oath of allegiance to the victorious king of Prussia, and he was therefore placed on the retired list, though with the full amount of his salary as pension. "All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree." Albert Einstein. In the beginning of the 8th century, at the time of the iconoclastic controversy, the emperor Leo the Isaurian having forced compliance to his edict against the worshipping of images, the Neapolitans, encouraged by Pope Gregory III., threw off their allegiance to the Eastern emperors, and established a republican form of government under a duke of their own appointment. Here is a metaphor that describes in more than one way. Thence he marched into Fars and Kirman, where he maintained peace and kept the inhabitants in their allegiance to Ali. In company with two other priests, Josephus was sent to Galilee under orders (he says) to persuade the illaffected to lay down their arms and return to the Roman allegiance, which the Jewish aristocracy had not yet renounced. The eight years of Monroe's presidency (1817-1825) are known as the "Era of Good Feeling.". The families are grouped in townships or otherwise (qali) under the lesser chiefs, who again owe allegiance to the supreme chief of the matanitu or tribe. He was a member of the Quebec Legislature from 1897; and, after holding minor offices, in 1905-20 was Prime Minister and Attorney-General in the province of Quebec. Step 2: Using Metaphors in Constructing Sentences. While the Abbasid dynasty was thus dying out in shame and degradation, the Fatimites, in the person of Mo'izz li-din-allah (or Mo`izz Abu Tamin Ma'add) ("he who makes God's religion victorious"), were reaching the highest degree of power and glory in spite of the opposition of the Carmathians, who left their old allegiance and entered into negotiations with the court of Bagdad, offering to drive back the Fatimites, on condition of being assisted with money and troops, and of being rewarded with the government of Syria and Egypt. The third provincial congress, which met on the 21st of August 1775, still required its members to sign an oath of allegiance to King George III. They have their exits and their entrances.' - William Shakespeare, As You Like It 'All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.' - Albert Einstein 'Conscience is a man's compass.' - Vincent Van Gogh Instead of strengthening the allegiance of the Germans towards their sovereign, the imperial title was the means of steadily undermining it. Creative Metaphor. They renounced their allegiance to King James and were greatly disappointed when their standards found no place in the religious settlement of 1689, continuing to hold the belief that the covenants should be made obligatory upon the entire nation. Fault in Our Stars, John Green. Some examples of Metaphors. He had, however, returned to his allegiance to the house of Capet before the fall of Laon placed both Arnulf and Charles at the mercy of the French king (March 991). Very soon the barons began to return to their allegiance, or at least to slacken in their support of Louis, who had given much offence by his openly displayed distrust of his partisans and his undisguised preference for his French followers. But his high-handed proceeding, though it forced the Lords to reconsider their decision, strained the allegiance of many of his supporters, and still further impaired the popularity of his administration. An extended metaphor is when a metaphor goes on for multiple sentences, multiple paragraphs, or even for the duration of the book, poem, or other work. Metaphor Quotes. Disquieted by some forcible attempts on Rudolph II. Both Esar-haddon (681-668) and Assur-bani-pal (668 - c. 626) number among their tributaries Tyre, Ammon, Moab, Edom, Ascalon, Gaza and Manasseh himself,' and cuneiform dockets unearthed at Gezer suggest the presence of Assyrian garrisons there (and no doubt also elsewhere) to ensure allegiance. Three years after his defeat at Beresteczko, Chmielnicki, finding himself unable to cope with the Poles single-handed, very reluctantly transferred his allegiance to the tsar, and the same year the tsar's armies invaded Poland, still bleeding from the all but mortal wounds inflicted on her by the Cossacks. In Galilee the Jews predominated over the heathen and their ruler Herod Antipas had some sort of claim upon their allegiance. He was always uncertain in his party allegiance, and often attacked George Brown, the Liberal leader. A few years later the emperor's viceroy in Ahmednagar, the nizam-al-mulk, threw off his allegiance and established the seat of an independent government at Hyderabad (1724). The detective listened to her tales with a wooden face. Metaphors are everywhere in popular music, here are a few powerful examples. 's book on the oath of allegiance. This banner bore the mon or badge of the samurai's clan and served to identify him and his allegiance. The emir of Gando, treated on the same terms as the emirs of Kano and Sokoto, proved less loyal to his oath of allegiance and had to be deposed. Deliberately low-key, it was to persuade doubters of AFCW to change allegiance. Though eventually this activity of the Giovane Italia supplanted that of the older societies, in practice it met with no better success; the two attempts to invade Savoy in the hope of seducing the army from its allegiance failed miserably, and only resulted in a series of barbarous sentences of death and imprisonment which made most Liberals despair of Charles Albert, while they called down much criticism on Mazzini as the organizer of raids in which he himself took no part.

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